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ID Status Summary
319 New Screenshot of modal dialog cannot be taken properly in jenkins
318 New Using JMenuItemFixture, unable to click on a item in a menu
317 New Fest blocks on modal dialog called from Mac OS X system menu bar
316 New Fest Swing doesn't support dual screens application
315 New add isOrdered assertion to arrays/collections
314 New Drag drop not working
313 New JTextComponentFixture.doubleClick() does not exhibit expected behavior
312 New JTableComboBoxEditorCellWriter not accepting values not mentioned in the JComboBox model
311 Duplicate difficulties to click a jtree leaf Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All
310 Fixed fest-reflect is catching my RuntimeException while it should not! Module-fest-reflect Milestone-Release1.2 Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-All
309 Accepted JTableTextComponentEditorCellWriter should check if cell editor is already activated before trying to activate it Module-fest-swing Priority-Critical Type-Defect OpSys-All
308 Fixed Cell editor activation in JTableTextComponentEditorCellWriter catching wrong exception Module-fest-swing Milestone-Release1.1 Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-All
307 New RobotFixture.click() with times 2 treated as two separate clicks sometimes.
306 Fixed JSpinnerDriver#enterText enters text without focus Module-fest-swing Milestone-Release1.1 Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-All
305 Fixed Need "bringToFront" method for window-like components. Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement OpSys-All Priority-High Milestone-Release1.1
304 Accepted Webstart Launcher support Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-High OpSys-All
303 Fixed JSpinnerFixture.enterText() doesn't select existed text when JSpinner doesn't have a caret. Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Milestone-Release1.1 Priority-High OpSys-All
302 Accepted Add support for Iterable Module-fest-assert Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All
301 Invalid Throwing IllegalComponentStateException when aborting a running Fest Unit Test
300 Duplicate JTreeFixture.selectPath does not work for trees with the root node not visible
299 New testng extension: possible removal of Logger?
298 Fixed testng screen capture should create unique file name Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement OpSys-All Priority-High Milestone-Release1.1
297 Fixed No support for multiple file select in JFileChooserFixture Module-fest-swing Milestone-Release1.1 Priority-Critical OpSys-All Type-Enhancement
296 Accepted Frame creation for component testing Type-Enhancement Milestone-Release1.2 Priority-High OpSys-All Module-fest-swing
295 Duplicate Run test in separate VM
294 Accepted Run test in separate VM Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement
293 Fixed JTreeFixture#selectPath throws nullpointer exception when root is invisible Module-fest-swing Milestone-Release1.1 Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-All
291 Invalid Unable to find path exception on using selectpath() method for JtreeFixture
290 Fixed Stopping table cell editing Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Milestone-Release1.1 Priority-Critical OpSys-All
289 Invalid BasicRobot#close(Window) Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All
288 Fixed Fix type of exceptions thrown when validating method arguments. Module-fest-reflect Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All Component-Logic
287 Fixed Improve class names for 'Name' and 'StaticName', etc. Type-Defect Priority-High Module-fest-reflect Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All
286 Fixed timeout results in confusing "unable to handle..." message Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All
285 Invalid Why public API change so often ?
284 Invalid Unable to press key combination and release them Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All
283 Fixed Expose component-less internals to subclasses of DragAndDrop Module-fest-swing Milestone-Release1.1 Priority-Critical OpSys-All Type-Enhancement
282 Fixed Component-less mouseMove and pressMouse Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.1
281 Fixed Abstract ContainerFixture to an interface Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
280 Fixed Update matchers to follow pattern in FEST-JavaFX SwingButtonNodeMatcher Module-fest-swing Milestone-Release1.0 Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical OpSys-All
279 Invalid JComboBoxFixture's enterText method ignores first character of string parameter Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
278 Fixed Add support for obtaining Class object Module-fest-reflect Milestone-Release1.1 Priority-Critical OpSys-All Type-Enhancement
277 Fixed JRadioButtonFixture#select() Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
276 Fixed Create a Node-based Robot Module-fest-javafx Type-Enhancement Milestone-Release1.0 Priority-Critical OpSys-All
275 Fixed Find a way to start a JavaFX UI from a Java test case Module-fest-javafx Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
274 Fixed Remove unused/deprecated methods in Robot Module-fest-swing Type-Task Priority-Critical OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0
273 Fixed Remove AWT Mode Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
272 WontFix Mockito support Module-fest-mocks
271 Fixed Rename RobotFixture to BasicRobot Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
270 Fixed Feature request - mouse wheel support Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
269 Fixed Make Assert and hierarchy public visible to enable better custom extensions Module-fest-assert Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All
268 Fixed pom.xml in fest-swing-testng shows TestNG as "test"-scoped dependency Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
267 Accepted link to screenshot is broken in TestNG emailable-report.html Module-fest-swing Milestone-Release1.1 Type-Defect Priority-High OpSys-All
266 Invalid JTreeFixture.selectPath(String) method does not expand child nodes
265 Accepted JCheckBoxFixture#change(boolean state) Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-Release1.2 OpSys-All
264 Accepted JCheckBoxMenuItemFixture Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement OpSys-All Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.2
263 Invalid Unable to change separator for JTree fixture Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0
262 Duplicate Add a getter for the underlying AWT Robot in RobotEventGenerator Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.1
261 WontFix new fixture to support pixel color Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.1
260 Invalid Fixture constructors without a robot Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All
259 Accepted enterText does not work for JFormattedText Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.2 OpSys-All
258 Fixed Add fixture for JDesktopPane Type-Enhancement Module-fest-swing Priority-High Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
257 Fixed Generic extension of GenericTypeMatcher doesn't work as expected Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0
256 Fixed Keep method chaining to one level only Module-fest-assert Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
255 Fixed Add new method "requireFocused" to ComponentFixture Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All
254 Fixed Add "requireRowCount" and "requireColumnCount" to JTableFixture Type-Enhancement Module-fest-swing OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.1 Priority-High
253 Fixed Add "require" for title(s) to JTabbedPaneFixture Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-Release1.1
252 Accepted Support for keyboards other than US in KeyStrokeMappings Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.2
251 Fixed JTableTextComponentEditorCellWriter regression Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
250 Fixed KeyStrokeMap remains empty for non-en locales Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
249 New Spurious audio alerts Module-fest-swing OpSys-Windows
248 Fixed need more JTableCellWriter Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
247 Fixed Tests failing in EDT don't provide relevant information Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release1.0
246 Fixed JListDriver regression Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
245 Invalid Fix "enterText" in RobotFixture to raise "key released" events Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
244 Fixed Match components by their associated label Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-High OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0
243 Accepted SWT support Module-fest Type-Task Priority-High OpSys-All
242 Fixed Add support for checking EDT access violations Module-fest-swing Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
241 Fixed Rename 'TableCellByColumnName' to 'TableCellByColumnId' Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All
240 Fixed Remove circular dependency related to ScreenLock Module-fest-swing Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0
239 Fixed Matchers in package org.fest.swing.core.matcher do not implement 'toString' Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0 Module-fest-swing
238 Fixed Add ScrollUtils contribution from Csabi Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0 Module-fest-swing
237 Fixed FEST should not fail silently when performing actions in disabled/hidden components Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0 Module-fest-swing
236 Invalid Add support for JVM specific arguments in application launcher. Type-Enhancement Priority-High OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.1 Module-fest-swing
235 Fixed 'findAll' does return components in the same order every time it is called Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All Module-fest-swing
234 Accepted Add a comparator or utility method to find components by position Type-Enhancement Priority-High OpSys-All Module-fest-swing
233 Invalid JListFixture.selectItem(...) doesn'twork if list visible rectangle is very small Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All Module-fest-swing
232 Fixed Table model index validated against number of table column model Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0 Module-fest-swing
231 Fixed Add more utilities for printing component hierarchy Type-Enhancement Priority-High OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0 Module-fest-swing
230 Fixed Add method to JTabbedPaneFixture to get selected component Type-Enhancement Priority-High OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.1 Module-fest-swing
229 Fixed JTableCellFixture click() does not work if Cell is already selected Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.0 OpSys-All Module-fest-swing
228 Fixed Test hangs on modal dialog Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0 Module-fest-swing
227 Fixed Add support for lazy-loaded descriptions for assertions Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0 Module-fest-assert
226 Accepted Add selectedRow() to TableCell and TableCellByColumnName Type-Enhancement Priority-High OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.2 Module-fest-swing
225 Fixed JTable startCellEditing sometimes fails Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0 Module-fest-swing
224 Invalid JTableFixture.requireSelectable (TableCell cell)? Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Module-fest-swing
223 Accepted Removing filtered components from children-collection due to "already-used"-list? Type-Enhancement Priority-High OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.2 Module-fest-swing
222 Fixed Off-By-One-Bug in JTableCell Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0 Module-fest-swing
221 Accepted Domain oriented approach for writing functional tests Type-Enhancement Priority-High OpSys-All Module-fest-swing
220 Accepted CR-Tool Type-Enhancement Priority-High OpSys-All Module-fest-swing
219 Fixed JTableTextComponentEditorCellWriter closes open error dialog Type-Defect Priority-High OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0 Module-fest-swing