
ID Status Summary
7817 New Escape dot (".") in id attribute when Copy CSS Path
7816 New Console tab - cannot check request & response header source when ajax called
7815 New Ability to disable using source maps
7814 New How to do edit Html in firebug and edit css
7813 InsufficientInfo need a wiki identification
7812 New Meteor trouble with firebug console open
7811 New script tab - searching multiple files doesn't work
7810 New Breakpoint not hitting, only a spinning wheel
7809 New Javascript error in debugger.js
7808 New dialog('open') not working when firebug is on
7807 New Incorrect HAR data generation
7806 Commit No events on the Events tab Type-Defect Test-case-available events
7805 New HTML5 Session history managent broken by Firebug
7804 New warning: The site specified an invalid Strict-Transport-Security header.
7803 NeedInfo 401 Unauthorized after upgrade chrome
7802 New Filter rather than search -- Search Needed
7801 New Firebug console not grouping certificate warning messages
7800 New picture srcset hover
7799 New no context menu on aborted requests in the net panel
7798 Duplicate Firebug freeze browser when open large extjs application.
7797 New Request for wiki user ID Type-Task wiki
7796 New net.logLimit unlimited stuck at 500 limit
7795 New Can't download attachments in Gmail.
7794 Commit CSS panel breakage because window.CSSCharsetRule was removed Type-Defect css dom 2.0.9 Test-case-available
7793 New Cannot Open Extensions Page "Get your Swarm", Firebug Website 404 Error
7792 WontFix Please enable Net Panel in Firebug Lite for Google Chrome browser
7791 InsufficientInfo Add ... to the wiki wiki
7790 New Firebug completely load processor while typing into Redactor editor
7789 New netpanel: context menu does not open on right click for aborted xhr requests
7788 New Broken formating and theme in XHR console view when switching to firefox light theme
7787 New Can not set breakpoint FF37/FB2.0.8
7786 OtherComponent User is not really sure how many times he has to click/Tap on the older link/button even though he is sure that he got mail in this month of particular year.
7785 New CSS: Discrepancy between font-size values defined and computed value due to zoom level
7783 NeedInfo Clicking to upgrade to Firebug 3.0 doesn't work anymore Type-Defect 2.0.8 ui Test-case-available
7782 Duplicate Add Edit & Resend request option for Network Monitor Type-Enhancement net 2.0.8
7781 Duplicate when i'm launching a debug point a grey color circle is spinning instead of red dot.
7780 WontFix 'Expand All/Collapse All' option available on console page, for expandable log messages Type-Enhancement console 2.0.8 Test-case-available
7779 WontFix Amazon.com links fail w FireFox+Windows, not w FireFox+MacOS
7778 WontFix Don't truncate keys in POST data in the Network panel
7777 Fixed Preview of 'currentcolor' within gradients is incorrect in Computed side panel Type-Defect computed 2.0.8 Test-case-available fixed-2.0.9
7776 Fixed Preview of 'currentcolor' within gradients is incorrect in Style side panel Type-Defect style 2.0.8 Test-case-available fixed-2.0.9
7775 Duplicate Firebug 2.0.8 slow down certain webpage's reload significantly (> 10 seconds) Type-Defect debugger 2.8.0 Test-case-available
7774 Fixed Remove console.log().toString Type-Defect console 2.0.8 fixed-2.0.9
7773 WontFix this page is very good
7772 New Homepage broken - Missing files
7771 Duplicate Page Locks Up 3-4 Seconds Type-Defect script 2.0.8 platform
7770 New Request for wiki user ID Type-Task wiki
7769 New Update style list when media queries are toggled
7768 WontFix Request for wiki user ID Type-Task wiki
7767 UserResolved The script panel with ExtJS makes Firefox freeze Type-Defect debugger 2.0.8 Test-case-available platform
7766 NeedInfo Force Element State Type-Enhancement style html
7764 WontFix Menu entry for "Firebug" disappears at every restart in Seamonkey Type-Defect ui seamonkey 2.0.8 Test-case-available
7763 OtherComponent Fatal error: Class 'NOOP_Translations' not found in /home/theentra/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 707
7762 Triaged Breakpoint spinning and not stop at those even code is executing Type-Defect debugger 2.0.8 Test-case-needed platform
7761 Duplicate Adding disabled breakpoint isn't displaying it within the breakpoint column Type-Defect script 2.0.8 Test-case-available
7760 Fixed Breakpoint isn't set on server side when script has disabled breakpoints Type-Defect debugger 2.0.8 Test-case-available regression fixed-2.0.9
7759 New Quickinfo window blocks page elements while FB is closed.
7758 Duplicate Annoying CSS Auto Inserts Type-Defect style 2.0.8 Test-case-available
7757 WontFix Scale panel splits by percentage Type-Enhancement ui 2.0.8
7756 NeedInfo Setting a breakpoint causes the breakpoint throbber to stay and hangs the browser Type-Defect debugger 2.0.8 Test-case-needed
7755 Duplicate Firebug 2.0.8 - breakpoint fired inside a not executed "if" loop Type-Defect debugger 2.0.8 Test-case-available platform
7754 InsufficientInfo existing issue for log in on wiki page wiki
7753 NeedInfo Shortcut for increasing text size is incorrect keys 2.0.8
7752 ProbablyWorks short watch entries always get auto-expanded to different longer var name watch 2.0.8
7751 WontFix Firebug not loaded when Web Developer Toolbar is active ui activation
7750 Works Firebug Window completely black if using 'perspective' in CSS
7749 New Unexpexted switch to desktop view in fullscreen mode
7747 Fixed Request for wiki user ID Type-Task wiki
7746 Duplicate Script Location Menu stays empty Type-Defect script 2.0.7 FF-36 Test-case-available regression
7745 Triaged Conditional breakpoints don't work Type-Defect script debugger 2.0.7
7744 WontFix Storage tab does not show cookies in the format ".www.domain.com"
7743 Works XHR requests show under others tab
7742 WontFix Events panel missing from 3.0 alphas 3.0-a7
7741 New External editors commandline args bug
7740 NeedInfo Script breakpoint stop further script execution.
7739 NeedInfo On admin>> Add article, click of article content text field, mouse arrow pointer should not get changed to cursor. docs
7738 WontFix "Use Developer Edition browser theme" toggle doesn't always work with Firebug 3 installed
7737 InsufficientInfo bugs
7736 WontFix position option
7735 NeedInfo Script panel occasionally stops working script debugger Type-Defect 2.0.7
7734 New Flash in fullscreen + JS breakpoint
7733 New Attributes being rearranged, either stop rearranging attributes or add option to disable it
7732 New Can not expand local object in Javascript debugger
7731 OtherComponent deprecated coding style using .nodeValue lite
7730 New AutoExport of ConsoleExport with using Selenium netexport
7729 Fixed Global properties starting with numbers show up in auto-completion Type-Defect console completion Test-case-available fixed-2.0.8
7728 New Add navigator.sendBeacon requests to Net tab
7727 New NetExport + Selenium netexport
7726 OtherComponent App Crashes
7725 NeedInfo Unable to select HTML elements with the Inspector html
7724 Fixed Firebug Breakpoint exception in current FF Nightly debugger Type-Defect breakpoints fixed-2.0.8
7723 New Firebug doesn't show data sent with a DELETE method
7722 WontFix User interface improvment (css) Type-Enhancement css style
7721 Verified Limiting the number of dynamic scripts to list in the script panel Type-Defect script Test-case-available 2.0.7 fixed-2.0.8 doc-available
7720 New source code of failed script is not displayed in Firebug 3, when the failed code was activated through eval
7719 Fixed Request for wiki user ID Type-Task wiki
7718 NeedInfo Firefox 34 and latest firebug - Continued Crashing
7717 Verified Gray space on resize when UI is attached to the top Type-Defect ui 2.0.6 Test-case-available blocks-2.0.8 fixed-2.0.9
7715 New missini scrollbar