
ID Status Summary
20 Fixed -p ssh does not work, have to use ssh://hostname
19 Invalid Exscript seems to fail on prompts with question marks Type-Defect Priority-Medium
18 Invalid script not continuing after text input is expected (cisco) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
17 WontFix bdist_rpm broken in setup.py for Spiff* Type-Defect Priority-Medium
16 Fixed Authentication failure messages for Cisco IOS Autonomous Wireless Access Points Type-Defect Priority-Medium
15 Fixed Add support to configure the ssh version number Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
14 Fixed Add support to change non-standard ports for telnet and/or ssh Type-Enhancement Priority-High
13 Fixed Add option to overwrite or append log files if already exists Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
12 Fixed Telnet not properly identifying remote os/vendor if no username Type-Defect Priority-High
11 Fixed Add support to pass login information Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
10 Fixed Add support for timeouts similar to Unix's "at" command Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
9 Fixed Make it possible to skip the logout mechanism Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
8 Fixed Allow for skipping the authentication Type-Enhancement Priority-High
7 Fixed Add support for Huawei routers Type-Enhancement Priority-High
6 Fixed Authorization password != Authentication password Type-Enhancement Priority-High
5 Invalid Closing a socket instead of shutting it down might account for some of the "broken pipe" errors Type-Defect Priority-High
4 Fixed Prompt recognition sometimes does not work Type-Defect Priority-High
3 Fixed Exceptions thrown by the Exscript interpreter are inconsistent Type-Defect Priority-Low
2 Fixed Support URL style hostnames Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1 Fixed Add support for SSH Type-Enhancement Priority-High