A) What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Set location/destination to the same object holding the location/destination 2.It works.
B) What is the expected output? What do you see instead (tracebacks, error messages)?
We should probably stop an infinite loop from forming by checking the location/destination for nesting before allowing it to be set. To prevent nested loops we need to check contents too (so an object cannot be inside an object that is already inside it).
C) Further relevant information like Evennia revision, OS and other program versions, and/or ideas about solving. Also choose 'Type' of the issue below.
There used to be a safety check for this, it got lost when the location method was moved into the metaclass (so this is strictly speaking a regression). Either we bring back the explicit location/destination get-setter methods or we somehow expand on the metaclass (which sounds wasteful).
Status: Accepted