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ID Status Summary
456 Accepted DON'T USE THIS TRACKER. Evennia moved to Github. Priority-High Maintainability
455 New Prettytables' Formatting Broken in Web Client Type-Defect Priority-Normal
454 Accepted Prevent location or destination=self Type-Defect Priority-Normal
453 Fixed Patch for /BasicMUSHLike.wiki Type-Patch
452 Fixed Copying objects produces error Type-Defect Priority-Normal
451 Fixed xterm256 not working Type-Defect Priority-Normal
450 Fixed @perm seems to be broken on a new install Type-Defect Priority-Normal
449 Merged Merge request:
448 Fixed ObjectManager.get_objs_with_attr() throws error Type-Defect Priority-Normal
447 Reviewing key_mergetypes problem on item cmdsets Type-Defect Priority-Normal
446 Needs-Information Can't create objects without nohome=True Type-Defect Priority-Normal
445 Fixed Searching for an attribute containing an object variable fails Type-Defect Priority-Normal
444 Fixed @delplayer fails Type-Defect Priority-Normal
443 Fixed searching will not find on alias Type-Defect Priority-Normal
442 Accepted Mutl-word objects names doesn't work with drop Type-Defect Priority-Normal
441 Invalid Untrapped error on character connect. Type-Defect Priority-Normal
440 Accepted Scripts attached to objects no longer survive server reload Type-Defect Priority-Normal
439 Accepted Creation/Connection Error with email module Type-Defect Priority-Normal
438 Accepted Blocking Commands as described on the CommandDuration documentation page does not seem to work. Type-Defect Priority-Normal
437 Invalid ons Type-Defect Priority-Normal
436 Invalid Decouple Evennia from Mercurial Type-Defect Priority-Normal
435 Fixed Evennia is not working with Django 1.6 Type-Defect Priority-Normal
434 Accepted Feature suggestion: No delay at telnet connect Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
433 Accepted Occational loss of Player/Character cmdsets at initial startup Type-Defect Priority-Normal
432 Fixed Typo or miswording in red_button.py Type-Defect Priority-Normal
431 Fixed @create alias creation fails. Type-Defect Priority-Normal
430 Fixed @quell does not properly relay to Immortal Type-Defect Priority-Normal
429 Fixed Channels not working while @ooc in Dev Branch Type-Defect Priority-Normal
428 Accepted Feature suggestion: case-insensitive addom alias matching. Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
427 Fixed @clist breaks if an addcom alias exists in database Type-Defect Priority-Normal
426 Accepted @clist breaks 78-80 character limit Type-Defect Priority-Normal
425 Accepted ANSI Prettytable max_width not working. Type-Defect Priority-Normal
424 Fixed Command 'tutoral' is not available after logging in as a user Type-Defect Priority-Normal Dev-version
423 Fixed new_object.aliases.add(aliases) AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'add' Type-Defect Priority-Normal Non-Trunk
422 Accepted Feature suggestion: Add partial matching to player.search Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
421 Accepted repeats = 1 and start_delay = False causes problems Type-Defect Priority-Normal
420 Accepted Feature suggestion: Script call to invoke a repeat Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
419 Accepted menu_login.py: 'ServerSession' object has no attribute 'session_login' Type-Defect Priority-Normal
418 Invalid MAX_NR_CHARACTERS, MULTISESSION_MODE stored in django config, not Evennia's Type-Defect Priority-Normal
417 Invalid @dice not added to command set, WAI? Type-Defect Priority-Normal
416 Invalid models.py has duplicate meta classes with identical signatures Type-Defect Priority-Normal
415 Invalid chargen.py code error, called method doesn't appear to exist Type-Defect Priority-Normal
414 Fixed chargen.py code calls OOCCmdSet, which doesn't appear to exist Type-Defect Priority-Normal
413 Closed ev tries to import itself Type-Defect Priority-Normal
412 Fixed @channels et al tracebacks from clower variable Type-Defect Priority-Normal
411 Merged Merge request: Fixed get_dbref_range
410 Accepted locks.add() accepts a log_obj but not a log_sessid Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
409 Merged Merge request: Trace from ev.search_help_entry
408 Closed Calling commands as a player Type-Defect Priority-Normal
407 Fixed Async processes don't seem to work. Type-Defect Priority-Normal
406 Merged Series of fixes and patches for the dev branch
405 Accepted Feature suggestion: search by typeclass, and child typeclasses Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
404 Accepted Can't store Objects as dict keys Type-Defect Priority-Normal
403 Merged Merge request: Differentiate between candidates = [] and candadates = None
402 Fixed self() lockfunc doesn't seem to be working Type-Defect Priority-Normal
401 Implemented Feature suggestion: access 'quiet' paremeter Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
400 Fixed Script/Reload invoking at_start hook? Type-Defect Priority-Normal
399 Fixed script.obj is a db object Type-Defect Priority-Normal
398 Implemented Feature suggestion: Enhancement for attribute behavior consistency Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
397 Fixed Exit commands allow trailing characters Type-Defect Priority-Normal
396 Invalid Aliases not saving empty list Type-Defect Priority-Normal
395 Accepted Scripts not starting on demo Type-Defect Priority-Normal
394 Merged Merge requested: Fixed serious regression with exits
393 Fixed proofreading documentation for /src/objects/objects.py Type-Defect Priority-Normal
392 Fixed Unable to search by destination Type-MergeRequest Priority-Normal
391 Fixed key_mergetypes problem on room cmdset Type-Defect Priority-Normal
390 Accepted Feature suggestion: Expand swap_typeclass beyond Objects Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
389 Closed Problem with key_mergetype and player cmdsets Type-Defect Priority-Normal
388 Implemented Problems with setting 'key' on a command object Type-Defect Priority-Normal
387 Implemented Feature suggestion: Session cmdsets Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
386 Closed Can't override system commands on character Type-Defect Priority-Normal
385 Fixed Script searching by object doesn't seem to work Type-Defect Priority-Normal
384 Fixed Asymetrical '==' Type-MergeRequest Priority-Normal
383 Implemented Feature suggestion: at_post_unpuppet should pass sessid Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
382 Invalid Alias handling when overriding commands Type-Defect Priority-Normal
381 Merged Merge request: Fixed security hole checking channels with @cwho
380 Invalid Feature suggestion: Turn @py into a player command Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
379 Merged Trouble with @addcom while IC Type-MergeRequest Priority-Normal
378 Closed Log files get wiped out when restarting Type-MergeRequest Priority-Normal
377 Fixed sessid doesn't appear to be available to system commands Type-Defect Priority-Normal
376 Fixed Admin creates Ghost objects Type-Defect Priority-Normal
375 Fixed 'who' broken in evennia-demo Type-Defect Priority-Normal
374 Fixed Error in exception handling when creating a new character Type-Defect Priority-Normal
373 Fixed Searching by attribute_name='key' doesn't seem to work Type-Defect Priority-Normal
372 Implemented Add better attribute_name documentation to obj.search method Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
371 Wont-Fix msg_contents does not check for sessid Type-Defect Priority-Normal
370 Merged Session ID not being cleared at disconnect Type-MergeRequest Priority-Normal
369 Merged Both @ic and player hooks handle prelogout_location character storage Type-MergeRequest Priority-Normal
368 Merged Searching by typeclass barfs Type-MergeRequest Priority-Normal
367 Implemented Patch - Fix referencing 'None' variable in OOC look in MULTISESSION_MODE=2
366 Merged @ooc output showing to all sessions Type-MergeRequest Priority-Normal
365 Invalid Problem with 'exact=True' in object_search Type-Defect Priority-Normal
364 Merged Strange behavior when trying to clear locks Type-MergeRequest Priority-Normal
363 Fixed Searching for an attribute containing an object variable fails Type-Defect Priority-Normal
362 Fixed Can't create a player/object and assign it to an attribute outside of evennia Type-Defect Priority-Normal
361 Accepted Feature suggestion: PyPi package. Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
360 Merged Merge Request: Case-insesitive Player names at login Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
359 Implemented ttype inconcistency Type-Defect Priority-Normal
358 Fixed Errors when using @type from batchscript Type-Defect Priority-Normal
357 Accepted Task: Move ircbot into portal Type-Task Priority-Normal