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ID Status Summary
317 New e pub validation error
316 Invalid ERROR ITMS-9000: "Problem with book artwork file specified in metadata & ERROR ITMS-5107: "Fixed layout books must identify the start of the book's
315 Invalid how to use this library with my android code?
314 Invalid OEBPS
313 Invalid epub error
312 Fixed Id attribute should not have character '#' in NCX
311 Responded Integrate epubcheck-4
310 Invalid original camera software search
309 Invalid character content of element "dc:identifier" invalid; must be a string length at least 1
308 WontFix value of attribute "id" is invalid; must be an XML name without colons
307 Duplicate id uniqueness test for encryption.xml
306 Duplicate DOCTYPE Error
305 Invalid elements from namespace "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" are not allowed
304 Duplicate Not checking mimetype is uncompressed in Zip
303 Duplicate epubcheck does not identify certain errors related to incorrect media-types
302 Duplicate Empty tags in toc.ncx are not recognized. Type-MissingCheck
301 Invalid error when try to validate
300 Invalid OEBPS : title file is empty
299 Duplicate Same reference entry in OPF <guide> ignored. Type-MissingCheck
297 Duplicate ontouchstart attribute yields validation error
296 Duplicate irc:// scheme considered invalid
295 Fixed NullPointerException when using new EpubCheck(File, PrintWriter) Type-Defect
294 Duplicate Table column with width indications
293 Duplicate Incorrent validation of <del> and <ins>
292 Duplicate target of navdoc IRI restriction not checked
291 Fixed -save option broken?
290 Invalid URLs containing "&" create errors
289 Duplicate URL in href attribute started by file://
288 Duplicate Whitespace inside URL in href attribute
287 Duplicate "The a element must not appear inside a elements" not detected for an EPUB2 file
286 Duplicate option to expand an epub
285 Duplicate Page Template Issues
284 Invalid Case-sensitive check for dupes in ZIP
283 Duplicate error thorwn because of adding page-template.xpgt
282 Duplicate typemustmatch attribute in <object> treated as error
281 Duplicate epubcheck-3.0.1 throws unwanted error
280 Duplicate MahthML entities for not equal
279 Fixed FTBFS - test error OpSys-Linux
278 Duplicate duplicate ressource path information when using single file validation Type-Defect
277 Fixed HINTs / HINT counter should also be available in the API Type-Enhancement
276 Fixed Duplicate error "fallback item could not be found" Type-Defect
275 Duplicate Confusing error "image is too short" Usability
274 Duplicate Some problems with (X)HTML 5 specification
273 NotThisProduct iTunes Throws error
272 Responded Epubchecker 3.0.1 warning error found
271 Duplicate Non-core media type stylesheet check ignores fallbacks (ePub Check 3.0.1) Priority-High
270 Fixed raise error with href="./foo.html" in HTML file Milestone-3.0.1
269 Invalid Epubcheck-1.1 errors reported by Lulu
268 Invalid ERROR ITMS-9000: Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/Apache/commons/IO/FilenameUtils
267 Fixed EPUB 3.0 Title order not handled properly Milestone-3.0.1
266 Fixed FTBFS - test failures Milestone-3.0.1
265 Fixed Duplicate files ignored Milestone-3.0.1 Type-Defect
264 Duplicate new source-of in 3.0.1 Type-MissingCheck
263 Fixed EXCEPTION string output ill formatted Milestone-3.0.1
262 Fixed Unicode character as value of CSS content property gives spurious error Type-Defect Milestone-3.0.1
261 Fixed OCF-invalid characters should be allowed in remote resource URLs Milestone-3.0.1
260 Fixed https resources are not considered remotes Milestone-3.0.1
259 Invalid SAX parser: "unsupported name ASCII"
258 Fixed -out flag doesn't work with -mode exp Type-Defect Milestone-3.0.1
257 Fixed epubcheck 3.0 does not support -h or --help Type-Enhancement Milestone-3.0.1
256 Fixed .DS_Store files should be ignored when creating epub archive in mode "expanded" // Patch included Type-Enhancement Milestone-3.0.1
255 Fixed BasePath for saving EPUBs in "expanded" mode is wrong (Archive.java) // Patch included EPUBVersion-ALL Milestone-3.0.1 Type-Defect
254 NeedSample java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space --- error getting in validation
253 Fixed Warning reported twice in OPF file (and with incorrect resource location) Milestone-3.0.1
252 Responded at com.adobe.epubcheck.ocf.OCFChecker.runChecks(OCFChecker.java:99)
251 Responded The import com.sun.org cannot be resolved
250 Invalid OPF version 3.0 not getting validated.
249 Fixed Remote resource error when not using data attribute on object Milestone-3.0.1
248 Fixed erroneous warning/error if value attribute present on Ordered List <li> element Milestone-3.0.1
247 Fixed Warning for line -1 and position -1
246 Fixed Clarify mimetype file length test Milestone-3.0.1
245 Fixed Invalid XML File generated from EpubCheck 3 Milestone-3.0.1
244 Fixed media-type="xhtml/css" Milestone-3.0.1
243 Duplicate Missing semicolon in .css ignored Type-Enhancement
242 Duplicate EPUBCheck 3.0 does not raise a error if href attribute of <a> tag has empty value Milestone-3.0.1
241 Fixed Warning for keyframes at-rule (CSS3 Animation) Type-Defect Milestone-3.0.1
240 Fixed Incorrect warning messages appear on properly formatted CSS Milestone-3.0.1 Type-Defect
239 Fixed error message "Filename contains spaces" is thrown twice Type-Defect Milestone-3.0.1
238 Fixed Warning about leading semi-colon in style attribute Type-Defect Milestone-3.0.1
237 Fixed Valid namespace declaration in CSS treated as error Type-Defect Milestone-3.0.1
236 Fixed NPE in epubcheck when the rootfile/@full-path is missing Type-Defect Milestone-3.0.1
235 Invalid <center> tag generates error
234 Fixed Suppress superfluous output? Type-Enhancement Milestone-3.0.1
233 Invalid Absolute root file refs (in CSS at least) generate error while equivalent relatives do not
232 Responded Validation error for 2+3 Transitional ePub
231 Fixed incorrect line reported for css error Type-Defect EPUBVersion-ALL
230 Fixed Undefined property acknowledgements Type-Enhancement
229 Fixed EPUBCheck does not parse style attribute values Type-MissingCheck Milestone-3.0.0
228 Duplicate (off-topic) valid CSS properties for ePub 2/3
227 Fixed report direction and unicode-bidi properties as errors Type-MissingCheck EPUBVersion-30 Milestone-3.0.0
226 Fixed <object> causes problems with seeing IDs
225 Fixed Report empty href attributes as a warning EPUBVersion-ALL Type-Enhancement Milestone-3.0.1
224 Responded wrong error message in 3.0-RC1
223 Fixed Validator should allow <foreignObject> anywhere in an SVG document, not just inside a <switch> element Type-Defect Milestone-3.0.0
222 Fixed HTML body elements inside svg:foreignObject should not generate an error Type-Defect Milestone-3.0.0
221 Fixed css syntax error masks missing resources Type-Defect Milestone-3.0.0 Priority-Medium
220 Fixed IDPF encrypted fonts fail validation in 3.0RC1 EPUBVersion-ALL Milestone-3.0.0
219 Fixed Confusing Error for Adobe Illustrator-Generated SVGs with package version 3 Type-Defect Milestone-3.0.0 EPUBVersion-30
218 Fixed help message typo Type-Defect Milestone-3.0.0 EPUBVersion-ALL
217 WontFix wrong ePub not detected as such