Important Note
This project has https://github.com/IDPF/epubcheck'>moved to GitHub!
EpubCheck is a tool to validate IDPF EPUB files, version 2.0 and later. It can detect many types of errors in EPUB. OCF container structure, OPF and OPS mark-up, and internal reference consistency are checked. EpubCheck can be run as a standalone command-line tool or used as a Java library.
Note that you must be able to run Java from the command-line and be familiar with command-line tools to use this effectively. There are http://blog.threepress.org/2010/12/16/running-epubcheck-on-your-computer/'>step-by-step guidelines available.
2013-05-27 EpubCheck version 3.0.1 is now available! . See also the list of issues fixed since the previous release (3.0). This is now the recommended version to use for both EPUB 2.0(1) and 3.0 validation.
2012-12-21 EpubCheck version 3.0 is now available! . See also the list of issues fixed since the previous release candidate (RC-2).
2012-12-02 EpubCheck version 3.0-RC-2 is now available here. A list of issues fixed since the previous release candidate (RC-1) is available here.
2012-10-20 EpubCheck version 3.0-RC-1 is now available here. A list of issues fixed since the April release is available here.
2012-04-26 EpubCheck version 3.0b5 is now available here. A list of issues fixed since the January release is available here.
2012-01-15 A fourth beta of EpubCheck 3.0 is available here. A list of issues fixed since the November release is available here.
2011-11-01 A third beta of EpubCheck 3.0 is available in the Development Builds section.
2011-09-06 A second beta of EpubCheck 3.0 is available in the Development Builds section. Read more.
2011-03-24 We are proud to announce that the new EpubCheck v1.2 is available for download. It is available in the Downloads section for this GoogleCode project, and as a Featured download.
- Stable build. (The build you would use to validate an epub.)
- Development build. (The build you would use to check out the latest changes to the tool.)
Quick start
- Running EpubCheck from command line
- Using EpubCheck as a library
- Decyphering Errors
- Development Home
- Peter Sorotokin
- Garth Conboy
- Markus Gylling
- Piotr Kula
- Paul Norton
- Jessica Hekman
- Liza Daly
- George Bina
- Bogdan Iordache
- Romain Deltour
- Thomas Ledoux
- Tobias Fischer
Most of the EpubCheck functionality comes from the schema validation tool Jing and schemas that were developed by IDPF and DAISY. Initial EpubCheck development was largely done at Adobe Systems.