IE6 bug in the following template: Percent Grid -> As attachement the screenshot.
- demoGrid.jpg 17.87KB
Comment #1
Posted on Dec 10, 2008 by Quick Kangaroo@krassfett: The problem is always IE6,IE6 does NOT calculate the percents properly and the grid breaks. I applied solution for example dp20{width:20%;*width:19.9%;} where 19,9% is for IE. More elegant solution with negative margins I applied for but the problem remain 50% + 50% not always is 100% in(IE). If someone have better CSS solution for the IE problem, please let me know!
Comment #2
Posted on May 20, 2009 by Grumpy PandaI liked this very much. want to try for my blog. is this defect is open yet or you have solved it. after all its too long now!!
Status: Accepted