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eee-ubuntu-support - issue #12

Intel driver kills video playback

Posted on Mar 2, 2008 by Happy Ox

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Install the version of intel_drv.so in script 2. inter_srv.so kills video playback in totem and VLC 3.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Totem and VLC quit upon playback.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Ubuntu 7.10

Please provide any additional information below. Rolling back to the original intel_drv.so fixes the issue.

Comment #1

Posted on Mar 5, 2008 by Quick Panda

Pardon me for the newbie question, but how exactly do you roll back the original intel_drv.so drivers?

I've tried copying the file to /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers. The screen froze for a bit, displayed some weird colors, and then i was taken back to the login screen.. I did a reboot, but video was still broken..

Comment #2

Posted on Mar 5, 2008 by Quick Panda

P.S. Don't know if this is related, but it might be, but:

In firefox 2, when trying to watch flash video full screen, a small window pops up but stays black. The original video in the browser keeps playing. This is with unredirect disabled. When trying to move the pop-up window, it just disappears.

Comment #3

Posted on Mar 5, 2008 by Happy Ox

The script makes a copy of the original Intel driver before it installs the updated one, which I believe it renames with a ~1. Just rename the existing intel_drv.so and then rename the original one (which should end in ~1 or something similar!) to intel_drv.so then reboot.

Comment #4

Posted on Mar 5, 2008 by Quick Panda

Wow, such a quick reply!

Would like to confirm that this works! :)

However, the firefox problem hasn't been fixed. Perhaps its unrelated to the driver, but now I can see part of the video in the box.. Not full screen though, and the window closes when you mouse over it..

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium