What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Change Mixer in Gnome-Panel to "front" 2. it will reflect changes in volume 3. Press Fn+F7 (Mute) 4. The volume only turns down to 0, but the panel-icon shows not that it's muted
What is the expected output? If muting/unmuting by Fn+F7 the state should be reflected by Gnome Mixer Panel Applet
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 2.1 on Ubuntu Eee 8.04
Please provide any additional information below.
Playing around with "alsamixer" I found out that actually muting the front channel has no effect on the output. So to mute the output, the only way is to turn the volume to 0. But I'd like to have the mixer in the gnome panel as an indicator if the sound is on or off. Especially useful if you are in University where loud sounds during lessons is not one of the nicest things... So a short look at the panel should tell me, if I have to mute the sound or not.
So my suggestion is: every times, the internal "muted"-state in asusosd.c changes - reflect this by actually muting/unmuting the front-channel It's as easy as: "amixer sset Front [off/on]"
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