What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Boot with the wifi initally ON 2. Check the interfaces are present (ifconfig shows ath0 and wifi0-00) 3. Hit Fn-F2 to take wifi down 4. Check the interfaces are gone (ifconfig doesn't show ath0 or wifi0-00) 5. Hit Fn-F2 to bring wifi up 6. Check the interfaces are still gone (ifconfig doesn't show ath0 or wifi0-00) Repeating steps 3-6 will successfull bring up the wifi interfaces.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Expect wifi interfaces to appear at step 6 initially, with no repetition required.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? v2.0, eeeXubuntu
Please provide any additional information below. Unfortunately I don't know how to solve this one. Perhaps one of the modules needs reloading before it works correctly?
Comment #1
Posted on Feb 23, 2008 by Happy Elephantthis issue has been known of almost since the beginning of the scriptpack. unfortunately no ultimate way that works for everyone has been found, for example for me fn-f2 to restart wifi works flawless, even withouth having to repeat the on/off cycle.
Comment #2
Posted on Feb 23, 2008 by Happy Elephant(No comment was entered for this change.)
Comment #3
Posted on Feb 24, 2008 by Helpful PandaIs there anything I can do or provide to help you identify the issue?
Comment #4
Posted on Feb 28, 2008 by Happy ElephantProblem has been fixed. Awaiting verification.
Status: Fixed