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dxcorecommunityplugins - issue #97
DX_LocateInSolutionExplorer does not locate file in collapsed solution folder
Posted on Jul 1, 2011 by
Quick Rabbit
File in solution explorer cannot be located if solution folder is never expanded.
- Open attached solution.
- Open the file Class1.cs from Subfolder/ClassLibrary1.
- Collapse the folder Subfolder and restart Visual Studio
- After restart, the file Class1.cs is open in IDE. Try invoke the command LocateInSolExplorer.
Expected behaviour: File is located. Current behaviour: File is not located, message "The operation could not be comlpleted" is displayed.
CodeRush (pro), RefactorPro! Dx 11.1.4, VS 2010, Vista 32 bit, DX_LocateInSolutionExplorer_1732
- DX_LocateInSolutionExplorer.zip 14.69KB
Comment #1
Posted on Apr 15, 2013 by Happy ElephantI get: "The operation could not be completed. Unspecified error" twice, but the file is located in the end
Status: New