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dxcorecommunityplugins - issue #97

DX_LocateInSolutionExplorer does not locate file in collapsed solution folder

Posted on Jul 1, 2011 by Quick Rabbit

File in solution explorer cannot be located if solution folder is never expanded.

  1. Open attached solution.
  2. Open the file Class1.cs from Subfolder/ClassLibrary1.
  3. Collapse the folder Subfolder and restart Visual Studio
  4. After restart, the file Class1.cs is open in IDE. Try invoke the command LocateInSolExplorer.

Expected behaviour: File is located. Current behaviour: File is not located, message "The operation could not be comlpleted" is displayed.

CodeRush (pro), RefactorPro! Dx 11.1.4, VS 2010, Vista 32 bit, DX_LocateInSolutionExplorer_1732


Comment #1

Posted on Apr 15, 2013 by Happy Elephant

I get: "The operation could not be completed. Unspecified error" twice, but the file is located in the end

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium