What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Compile the project DwsIdeDemo.dpr with Delphi XE3 64bit. 2. Run the program. 3. Execute any script (even a blank script causes the error).
What is the expected output? The script should execute.
What do you see instead? Project DwsIdeDemo.exe raised exception class $C0000005 with message 'c0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION'.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? dwscript trunk revision 36618 Windows 7 Ultimate
Please provide any additional information below. I traced this to function StrDeleteLeft in dwsUtils always returning empty string on Delphi XE3 64bit due to QC110889 which has since been fixed in XE4.
See http://qc.embarcadero.com/wc/qcmain.aspx?d=110889 for more info.
For users still on Delphi XE3, it would be useful if you could implement the following workaround: always specify all three parameters when calling Copy. In function StrDeleteLeft, replace
Result:=Copy(aStr, n+1);
Result:=Copy(aStr, n+1, Length(aStr)-n);
In function StrAfterChar, replace
Result:=Copy(aStr, p+1)
Result:=Copy(aStr, p+1, Length(aStr)-p)
Also affected: TStrSplitFunc.DoEvalAsVariant in dwsStringFunctions.
Comment #1
Posted on Oct 6, 2014 by Quick HorseCorrection: dwscript revision 2607.
Status: New