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The rect element is used to create a rectangle.



<rect x="50" y="50" width="200" height="100" fill="green" />


Common attributes:

  • x - the x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle. Defaults to 0.
  • y - the y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle. Defaults to 0.
  • width - the width of the rectangle. Must be non-negative. If 0, the rectangle will not render. Defaults to 0.
  • height - the height of the rectangle. Must be non-negative. If 0, the rectangle will not render. Defaults to 0.
  • fill - describes how the interior of the rectangle should be painted, see SVGFillProperties. The default value is "black".
  • stroke - describes how the outline of the rectangle should be painted, see SVGStrokeProperties. The default value is "none".
