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The path element is used to draw any general geometric shape. The border (stroke) of the shape consists of a series of connected line segments or curve segments. Also see the polyline and polygon elements.



<path stroke="blue" stroke-width="5" fill="yellow" d="M100,100 L200,200 C300,300 300,100 100,100 Z"/>


The above image is only a PNG representation of the SVG code. If you have a browser that supports SVG, you can click the image to browse to the actual SVG file. You can view the source of that image in your browser just like you can with HTML pages.


Common attributes:

  • d - a comma- or whitespace-separated list of segment commands. See below for a description of path commands.
  • fill - describes how the interior of the path should be painted, see SVGFillProperties. The default value is "black".
  • stroke - describes how the outline of the path should be painted, see SVGStrokeProperties. The default value is "none".

Path Commands

The path element uses a series of encoded path commands to represent moves, lines and curves in the d attribute.

| Command | Absolute Form | Description | |:--------|:--------------|:------------| | Move | M x,y | Lift the pen and move the current point to (x,y) | | Line | L x,y | Draw a straight line from the current point to the new point (x,y) | | Cubic Bézier Curve | C x1,y1 x2,y2 x,y | Draw a cubic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y) using (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) as control points | | Close | Z | Close the current subpath |

TODO: add remaining command types (quadratic bezier, elliptical arc and shorthand forms)
