Download and unzip ION file.
Run HPUSBFW.EXE to make USB/SD bootable disk with HP USB Disk no larger than 2gb.
Device: Select your USB flash drive or SD card. File system: FAT or FAT32. Volume label: Chose a name or leave as default.
In the Format options Select "Quick Format" and "Create a DOS startup disk" pointing to where the ION folder is.
Click Start.
click Yes.
Click OK to the second windows when it pops up.
Click Close in remaining windows.
Copy HPBQ189.exe and HPBC228.exe to USB disk
Boot with your USB/SD bootable disk and run HPBQ189.exe or HPBC228.exe (depends for models, with wrong model program doesn't start)
Press G for HPBQ189 or O for HPBC228
If the previous step doesn't work, type the name of the file HPBQ189.EXE or HBPC228.EXE and press Enter
Select Vista OS installed or not, and exit.
Reboot - Now you have NVIDIA ION with Device ID:0876h