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The code

``` /** * Returns a dom node with a set of attributes. This function accepts varargs * for subsequent nodes to be added. Subsequent nodes will be added to the * first node as childNodes. * * So: * createDom('div', null, createDom('p'), createDom('p')); * would return a div with two child paragraphs * * @param {String} tagName Tag to create * @param {Object} opt_attributes Map of name-value pairs for attributes * @param {Object|Array} var_args Further DOM nodes or strings for text nodes. * If one of the var_args is an array, its children will be added as * childNodes instead. * @return {Element} Reference to a DOM node */ goog.dom.createDom = function(tagName, opt_attributes, var_args) { var dh = goog.dom.getDefaultDomHelper_(); return dh.createDom.apply(dh, arguments); };

/** * Alias for createDom * @type Function */ goog.dom.$dom = goog.dom.createDom;

/** * Create a new element * @param {String} name Tag name * @return {Element} */ goog.dom.createElement = function(name) { return goog.dom.getDefaultDomHelper_().createElement(name); };

/** * Create a new text node * @param {String} content Content * @return {Element} */ goog.dom.createTextNode = function(content) { return goog.dom.getDefaultDomHelper_().createTextNode(content); };

/** * Converts an HTML string into a document fragment. * * @param {String} htmlString The HTML string to convert. * @return {DocumentFragment} The resulting document fragment. */ goog.dom.htmlToDocumentFragment = function(htmlString) { return goog.dom.getDefaultDomHelper_().htmlToDocumentFragment(htmlString); };

/** * Appends a child to a node * @param {Node} parent Parent * @param {Node} child Child */ goog.dom.appendChild = function(parent, child) { parent.appendChild(child); };

/** * Removes all the child nodes on a DOM node * @param {Node} node Node to remove children from */ goog.dom.removeChildren = function(node) { // Note: Iterations over live collections can be slow, this is the fastest // we could find. The double parenthesis are used to prevent JsCompiler and // strict warnings. var child; while ((child = node.firstChild)) { node.removeChild(child); } };

/** * Inserts a new node before an existing reference node (i.e. as the previous * sibling). If the reference node has no parent, then does nothing. * @param {Node} newNode Node to insert * @param {Node} refNode Reference node to insert before */ goog.dom.insertSiblingBefore = function(newNode, refNode) { if (refNode.parentNode) { refNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, refNode); } };

/** * Inserts a new node after an existing reference node (i.e. as the next * sibling). If the reference node has no parent, then does nothing. * @param {Node} newNode Node to insert * @param {Node} refNode Reference node to insert after */ goog.dom.insertSiblingAfter = function(newNode, refNode) { if (refNode.parentNode) { refNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, refNode.nextSibling); } };

/** * Removes a node from its parent * @param {Node} node The node to remove * @return {Node|Null} The node removed if removed; else, null */ goog.dom.removeNode = function(node) { return node.parentNode ? node.parentNode.removeChild(node) : null; }; ```

The code walkthrough

TODO walkthrough

Further reading

TODO further reading