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djangobot - issue #2

DjangoPeople two-way interaction

Posted on Feb 1, 2008 by Helpful Ox

Wouldn't it be cool if DjangoBot talked back to djangopeople.net and provided a list of people who have talked recently.

To avoid any spamming, it could store up chatters for two minutes and only submit after that.. or something like that. Obviously you'd need some sort of private API, but I'm sure Simon would be cool with it :)

Comment #1

Posted on Feb 9, 2008 by Grumpy Camel

I was thinking about the same: it would be nice to be able to load a page and see the faces and real names of everyone who's chatting right now, instead of asking each one separately from the bot.

I don't quite get what the spamming problem is. The IRC log at http://simon.bofh.ms/logger/django/ seems to be real-time, does it have a potential spamming problem as well?

Comment #2

Posted on Feb 11, 2008 by Swift Ox

giving django people a bit of demographic info would be very helpful. Specifically:

irc_name number of lines written random quote from lines average time range when seen on channel etc

Comment #3

Posted on Apr 12, 2008 by Grumpy Bird

Fix in r70.

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-Medium