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django-xmlrpc - MethodSignatures.wiki

summary Details of how XML-RPC methods should declare their signatures and help sections

labels Phase-Design,Featured


This page is not applicable to 0.1 release.

To use the functionality described on this page you need to use the introspection-dev branch, available here.


Method introspection in django_xmlrpc is an issue because the XML-RPC dispatcher that it uses, SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher, doesn't support the system.methodSignature() method.

In order to get around this, django_xmlrpc subclasses SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher and looks for a signature property on each XML-RPC-registered method when system.methodSignature() is called on that method.

The method signature can be added using the decorator @xmlrpc_func, which can be found in the decorators module of django_xmlrpc.

Adding a Signature to a Function

You can add an XML-RPC signature to a method using the xmlrpc_func decorator, which takes two named methods:

  • '''returns''': A string representation of the return type of the function. At present this should be limited to one of the options provided here (under the section labelled ''Scalar


s''. * '''args''': A list of the parameter types for your function, in the order that they are specified in the function definition. If your function takes no arguments, you can leave this parameter out of your @xmlrpc_func decorator.

Here's an example method signature:

``` from django_xmlrpc.decorators import xmlrpc_func

@xmlrpc_func(returns='string', args=['int', 'string',]) def hanging_on_the_wall(number, item): return "There are %i %ss hanging on the wall" % (number, item) ```

When system.methodSignature() is called on this method the signature returned will be ['string', 'int', 'string'].

What happens if I don't specify signatures?

XML-RPC signatures are not essential when registering a function with django_xmlrpc. Although they can be of great use to XML-RPC clients looking to use the services you provide, you may choose not to use them.

In this case, django_xmlrpc will use the getargspec() method provided by the inspect built-in Python module to find out how many parameters your method takes. Since the most interoperable type in these circumstances is a string, the client will be told that all these parameters should be strings and that the method returns a string. For example, django_xmlrpc will give the following a default signature of [string, string, string, string], which in this case is fine:

def my_xmlrpc_method(spam, eggs, ham): return spam + " " + eggs + " " + ham

There is a chance that this could lead to some nasty surprises for clients; please bear it in mind if you chose not to add XML-RPC signatures to your methods. For example, not specifying a signature here could lead to problems:

def my_other_xmlrpc_method(his_shoe, his_gourd): return his_shoe * his_gourd

What about system.methodHelp()?

XML-RPC's system.methodHelp() method is, as its name suggests, useful in the same way that Python's own help() is useful.

The current default behaviour of system.methodHelp() for django_xmlrpc-registered functions is to return the function's docstring. This is in fact the default behaviour of SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher in this case and at this stage there seems to be no reason to alter it.