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django-tinymce - issue #9

Support for TinyMCE compressor

Posted on Nov 3, 2008 by Swift Bear


I developed a simple Django TinyMCE compressor some time ago 1 and recently discovered your project. It would be very useful if django-tinymce included some kind of gzip compressor. You are very welcome to use my code (as long as you credit me :-))

Cheers, Jason

Comment #1

Posted on Nov 3, 2008 by Swift Bird

That sounds great, I hadn't seen your project yet. I am going to integrate your code into the tinymce project. Is it okay if you are mentioned in the code and the 'history and credits' wiki page? You can also become a project member if you are interested in doing other TinyMCE stuff.

Thanks, Jason!

Comment #2

Posted on Nov 3, 2008 by Swift Bear

Hi Joost,

That sounds great. I'd be happy to become a project member to work on future TinyMCE enhancements, I use it a lot in various CMS projects so I'm sure there will be more to add in the future.

Cheers, Jason

Comment #3

Posted on Nov 3, 2008 by Swift Bird

I just made you a project member. You are hereby invited to integrate the compressor code. :-) Please make sure the tests from the testproject still work after you integrated your work. It would be great if you could add a test to the testproject for the compressor.

We could connect on XMPP / Jabber / Google Code or MSN, my identity is joost@cassee.net on both networks. If you have any questions you can also mail me, of course. Great to have you on board!

Comment #4

Posted on Nov 20, 2008 by Swift Bear

Thanks! I have integrated the code and committed the changes in r42.

Status: Fixed

Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium