What steps will reproduce the problem?
Set an entry in the TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG settings dictionary to 'false' (string approximating javascript boolean) or False (python object).
TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG = { ... 'convert_urls': 'false',
'convert_urls': False,
- Fail. In the first case, the string literal 'false' is inserted into the TinyMCE init script, and of course it evaluates as true. In the second, TinyMCE is initiated without the setting in question.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Ideally there would be some way to map python boolean types to javascript booleans.
Please provide any additional information below.
Workaround? Use an integer:
TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG = { ... 'convert_urls': 0, ... }
Comment #1
Posted on Oct 27, 2008 by Swift BirdWhat version of Django and tinymce are you using? I just tried your set-up using tinymce (1.0 and svn) and Django 1.0, with {{{ TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'convert_urls': False, ... } }}} and I get the following when I render the widget:
tinyMCE.init({..., "convert_urls": false, ...})Although the workaround 'convert_urls': 0
works for you, I suspect more is going
on. Booleans should just work.
Comment #2
Posted on Nov 27, 2008 by Swift BirdIt has been a month since the last comment. I am going to close this ticket in a week if there is no further feedback.
Comment #3
Posted on Dec 16, 2008 by Swift BirdThis issue has not seen activity in over a month. I'm closing it as invalid, please reopen or post a comment if you believe it is still a problem.
Status: Invalid