django-threadedcomments is a simple yet flexible threaded commenting system for Django.
Where is the Code?
The code is now being hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/HonzaKral/django-threadedcomments
March 31, 2009: Released version 0.5 of the application and moved. This is the last of this line--the next release will be a large rewrite to use the comment extension hooks provided in Django 1.1 and will be backwards incompatible.
March 7, 2008: Created a discussion group for talk about the application.
March 7, 2008: Added gravatar support, internationalization support on the comment models, and fixed a bug with get_threaded_comment_form.
February 24, 2008: Integrated with django-comment-utils completely, foregoing the previously-similar implementation. Also, there are now template tags for getting useful unbound forms.
February 9, 2008: Mostly a bugfix release, but also updated the error handling methodology so that it no longer inserts it into the session.
February 4, 2008: Edit, delete, and comment previewing abilities added. Also max_depth moderation parameter introduced. For a fuller list of changes, see CHANGELOG.txt
January 24, 2008: Small update (0.1.1) which adds template tags for getting comment counts.
- Flexibility: Uses standard newforms forms, templatetags, etc. Integrate into your existing site.
- Simplicity: Should take less than 30 minutes to set up a new installation.
- Compatibility: Can make use of Managers already provided by django-comment-utils.
- Ease of Upgrade: Provides an automatic migration utility for upgrading from django.contrib.comments.
- django-comment-utils, only if moderation is required.
There are two methods of installing django-threadedcomments:
Method 1Download the latest release version from http://django-threadedcomments.googlecode.com/files/threadedcomments-0.4.zip and unzip it.
You'll find a script named setup.py inside. To install the package, simply execute the following command:
sudo python setup.py install
Grab a copy of the latest subversion revision. To do so, first check out the repository somewhere by issuing the following command:
svn checkout http://django-threadedcomments.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ django_threadedcomments
Now issue the following command (replacing SITE-PACKAGES-DIR with your system's site-packages directory):
ln -s `pwd`/django_threadedcomments/threadedcomments SITE-PACKAGES-DIR/threadedcomments
If you're not sure where your site-packages directory is, you can probably get away with doing this:
ln -s `pwd`/django_threadedcomments/threadedcomments `python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()"`/threadedcomments
To verify that your installation has been successful, open a terminal and try to import it: ```
import threadedcomments ```
If your result looks like this, then you've missed something and should try again:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named threadedcomments
Project Information
- License: New BSD License
- 77 stars
- svn-based source control