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ID Status Summary
121 Invalid syncdb issue
120 Fixed sqlserver_ado.compiler.SQLCompiler.resolve_columns does not check for _using_row_number existence before using
119 WontFix Error while creating the Django default table django.contrib.contenttypes Django1.4 ProjectMoved
118 WontFix SQL Missing Columns ProjectMoved
117 Fixed settings.PORT is never used
116 Fixed Unable to run unit tests because of site id coercion
115 Fixed Lazy connect to database
114 Invalid can not run server with this backend.
113 WontFix Change UNIQUE constraint to allow multiple NULL values
112 Fixed date_trunc_sql does not go down to hours, minutes and seconds. (solution included) Type-Enhancement
111 WontFix easy_install failing -- missing download link
110 WontFix order_by method on a join with 'duplicated' field names ProjectMoved
109 Invalid 含有varchar类型参数的存储过程传递中文参数的问题
108 Invalid Error loading pyodbc module: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
107 Fixed pywin32 problem with IIS
106 WontFix about LIMIT/OFFSET ProjectMoved
105 Invalid PyOleMissing object - VARIANT
104 Duplicate Change in Django 1.3 BaseDatabaseWrapper
103 Fixed Subsequent Queries Using Random Ordering Return the Same Results
102 Invalid Table not found when they exist under a different schema name
101 Invalid sql querry
100 Duplicate Incorrect number of arguments
99 WontFix StdDev aggregation function doesn't work ProjectMoved
98 Fixed working with django1.3 alpha1 fails
97 WontFix Deleting 100+ records gives com_error "The object is in zombie state"
96 Fixed value of DateField is instance of 'datetime' instead of 'date'
95 Invalid MSSQL assumes YDM dateformat instead of YMD
94 WontFix cannot syncdb for sqlserver2005 ProjectMoved
93 Verified __year option fails in filtering a queryset Type-Defect
92 Fixed PORT doesn't allow entering the number as a string
91 WontFix Problem when executing raw sql with ROW_NUMBER
90 WontFix Attempts to update identity column on project that works fine with MySql library ProjectMoved
89 Invalid does this library protect against SQL injection?
88 Fixed COMMAND_TIMEOUT not handled properly Type-Defect
87 WontFix a correctly-configured settings file still throws an error Type-Defect
86 WontFix The use of .format() should be removed to support python version before 2.6 Type-Defect
85 Fixed _convertNumberWithCulture raises InvalidOperation Type-Defect
84 WontFix Problem with Django TimeField ProjectMoved
83 Fixed Extra sub-selects with an OFFSET result fail to parse column names Type-Defect
82 Duplicate Support for Python 2.6.5 / 2.7?
81 WontFix error to connect the newer mssql2008 ProjectMoved
80 Duplicate error to connect the mssql2008 newest
79 Invalid DATABASE_USE_MARS=True doesn't seem to do anything
78 WontFix aggregate query generating sql error ProjectMoved
77 Invalid "regex" filter not implemented.
76 Fixed Pass a complete connection string
75 Fixed patch for working with multiple-database version of django (on trunk) Type-Enhancement
74 Invalid fail to setup django with django-mssql
73 WontFix Tests fail for date fields in bug34
72 WontFix last_insert_id should use scope_identity() function for transaction isolation ProjectMoved
71 Fixed Make a 1.1 compatibility checkpoint
70 Fixed IDENTITY INSERT is OFF when model uses a subclass of AutoField
69 Fixed select_related with slicing fails when db_column is specified and case does not match
68 Invalid dbapi code may benefit from un-forking
67 Fixed Unable to change Command's default timeout of 30 seconds
66 Fixed Slicing fails when pk specifies a db_column Type-Defect
65 WontFix Date shows with time postfix in admin ProjectMoved
64 Fixed Unable to create table with foreign key to a table with BigAutoField Type-Defect Priority-High
63 Fixed BigIntegerField as auto increment field. Type-Enhancement Usability
62 Fixed Exception when checking equality with empty string
61 Invalid Too Many Prameters supplied to MSSQL
60 Fixed Mulitple Updates Problem: Cannot create new connection because in manual or distributed transaction mode.', None, 0, -2147467259 Usability
59 Fixed Support "South" Type-Enhancement
58 Fixed Distinct result for queryset slices filtered by related fields
57 Invalid Error with DISTINCT and queryset slices (as with issue 46)
56 WontFix datetime.datetime is not JSON serializable
55 Fixed Fix code to work with Django revision 10026
54 Fixed ForeignKey and ManyToManyField integer type mismatch
53 WontFix Problems with cascading deletes in Django Admin ProjectMoved
52 Fixed Decimal handling in doesn't handle some numbers correctly
50 WontFix Aggregates not supported correctly w/ extra columns.
49 WontFix SQL Server 2005 should handle bare times as time+1/1/0001 date (or other valid "no date" value.) ProjectMoved
48 Fixed django-mssql fails Django bug 7698
47 WontFix Trying to run the Django aggregates tests fails on initial_data.jso ProjectMoved
46 Fixed Error with Distinct and Limit
45 WontFix SQL Server Schemas not supported?
44 Duplicate Error when converting python Decimals of certain values to ADO Parameter objects.
43 Fixed Replace class name checking with isinstance
42 Fixed distributed transaction mode
41 Fixed Paginator does not work when ordering by extra select field Type-Defect Priority-Medium
40 Fixed Views Introspection Type-Defect Priority-Medium
39 Fixed DecimalField does not return python Decimal,decimal places are not correct Type-Defect Priority-Medium
38 Fixed Saving a decimal that ends with one or more zeros Type-Defect Priority-Medium
37 Fixed Inserting duplicate pkeys should raise an Integrity Error. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
36 Fixed Django's tests should run against django-mssql Type-Defect Priority-Medium
35 Fixed Constrain name conflict while creation Type-Defect Priority-Medium
34 Fixed The "year" lookup filter is not working Type-Defect Priority-Medium
33 Fixed Pagination aliasing breaks with complex column defs Type-Defect Priority-Medium
32 Fixed Slicing offsets are off-by-one Type-Defect Priority-High
31 Fixed Missing pywintypes import Type-Defect Priority-Medium
30 Fixed Remove non-MSSQL ADO type support Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
29 Fixed DB-API: Stored Procedure return values not working Type-Defect Priority-Medium
28 WontFix Consider renaming to 'mssql.ado' Type-Other Priority-Low
27 Fixed pagination support breaks extra(select={...}) Type-Defect Priority-Critical
26 Fixed Paging broken w/ duplicate column names Type-Defect Priority-Medium
25 Fixed Verify decimal max_digits / decimal_places handling Type-Defect Priority-Medium
24 WontFix Does the Europe/US comma/point decimal code really need to be in there? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
23 Fixed NULL parameters in query are still passed in as values Type-Defect Priority-Medium
22 Fixed Support Django #5461 (BaseCreation interface) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
21 Fixed Support Django [8143] (Filter decimals via strings) Type-Defect Priority-Medium