django-firebird - issue #8
Error on generate insert sql: unicode objects aren't translated
The problem is raised when a model object has a numeric (Decimal) field. The insert sql clause (on save) does not translate correctly the unicode original value to fixed float datatype.
For some datatypes, is needed to do some translation from unicode object type to specific firebird type required by kinterbasdb.
Look at: http://kinterbasdb.sourceforge.net/dist_docs/usage.html#adv_param_conv_dynamic_type_translation
Comment #1
Posted on Oct 14, 2009 by Massive GiraffeMaxi,
how does numeric/decimal fields relate to Unicode?
Comment #2
Posted on Mar 21, 2011 by Happy PandaI think what it was solve in trunk on new type conv implementation. Sure, we need test it deeply.
Status: Fixed