
ID Status Summary
9 New Lack of very simple examples Type-Defect Priority-Medium
8 New Hyperthreading enabled not quite correct Type-Defect Priority-Medium
7 New Consumers don't catch up to slow lead consumer Type-Defect Priority-Medium
6 New Bugfix for line Disruptor/1P3C, indicated by the line "// TODO some random failure here to fix (the sequence number received by the consumer seems ok all the time but the end result is not)." Type-Defect Priority-Medium
5 New IPC Type-Defect Priority-Medium
4 Done Add a fluent API on top of the disruptor
3 Fixed Revision 30 is problematic Type-Defect Priority-Medium
2 Fixed Patch for /trunk/Source/Disruptor.PerfTests/Pipeline3StepLatencyPerfTest.cs Type-Patch
1 New Integration with TPL Dataflow? Type-Defect Priority-Medium