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digg - issue #3

db or db() in Muuttaa_Process

Posted on Dec 30, 2008 by Happy Horse

On line 202 in Muuttaa_Process, it reads:

$errors = $this->db->getCol($sql, 0, array(

looking through the rest of the code, it seems to use $this->db() instead. I'm not sure if this was intended or not.

Thanks for releasing this code from digg, it's very insightful!

Comment #1

Posted on Jan 7, 2009 by Helpful Dog

This is a bug (typo?), and I've fixed it in r108.

It doesn’t cause problems in this case; the $this->db() method sets the $this->db member, so it doesn’t trigger a function call on non-object fatal error like it would if db() kept the DB instance in a function-local static variable.

Nevertheless, it’s incorrect and should be fixed.

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-Medium