What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. use the SignatureMethod.HmacSha1 method
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? class DevDefined.OAuth.Framework.UriUtility static QueryParameter ParseAuthorizationHeaderKeyValuePair(string value) { if (value.IndexOf('=') > -1) { string[] temp = value.Split('='); return new QueryParameter(temp[0].Trim(), StripQuotes(temp[1])); } return new QueryParameter(value.Trim(), string.Empty); } If there is "=" in signature ,for example "auth_signature=\"uZF3aYQFtyK0F1FFHY+w7/Be+m4=\"" expect: string[] temp ={"auth_signature","uZF3aYQFtyK0F1FFHY+w7/Be+m4="} But I get string[] temp ={"auth_signature","\"uZF3aYQFtyK0F1FFHY+w7/Be+m4"}
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Last trunk
Comment #1
Posted on Aug 3, 2010 by Swift KangarooThis issue has been moved to github:
Closing this issue here as wont-fix.
Status: WontFix