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delphipi - issue #7

CBuilder/RAD Studio2007 support; can not create output file; "Check/UnCheck all" buttons,

Posted on May 14, 2008 by Grumpy Dog

I tried to install TMS packages for RAD Studio 2007. I can not select *c2007.cbproj.

When I choose the delphi packages (d2007.) it finds the packages but the output paths seems to be wrong. I guess it takes the output path from the project itself. It would be nice if the output path could be set within your tool.

This is the compiler output: D:\Borland\RAD5\bin\dcc32.exe "D:\Borland\Components\TMS\tmsd2007.dpk" CodeGear Delphi fr Win32 Compiler-Version 18.5 Copyright (c) 1983,2007 CodeGear tmsd2007.dpk(575) Warnung: W1033 Die Unit 'AdvDBDateTimePicker' wurde implizit in Package 'tmsd2007' importiert Schwerwiegend: F2039 Ausgabedatei '......\rad studio\5.0 \bpl\tmsd2007.bpl' kann nicht erstellt werden D:\Borland\RAD5\bin\dcc32.exe "D:\Borland\Components\TMS\tmsexd2007.dpk" CodeGear Delphi fr Win32 Compiler-Version 18.5 Copyright (c) 1983,2007 CodeGear frmshape.pas(123) Warnung: W1000 Symbol 'FreeObjectInstance' ist veraltet frmshape.pas(264) Warnung: W1000 Symbol 'MakeObjectInstance' ist veraltet Schwerwiegend: F2039 Ausgabedatei '......\rad studio\5.0 \bpl\tmsexd2007.bpl' kann nicht erstellt werden D:\Borland\RAD5\bin\dcc32.exe "D:\Borland\Components\TMS\tmsded2007.dpk" CodeGear Delphi fr Win32 Compiler-Version 18.5 Copyright (c) 1983,2007 CodeGear tmsd2007.dpk(575) Warnung: W1033 Die Unit 'AdvDBDateTimePicker' wurde implizit in Package 'TMSD2007' importiert tmsded2007.dpk(41) Schwerwiegend: F2039 Ausgabedatei '......\rad studio\5.0\bpl\tmsd2007.bpl' kann nicht erstellt werden D:\Borland\RAD5\bin\dcc32.exe "D:\Borland\Components\TMS\tmswizd2007.dpk" CodeGear Delphi fr Win32 Compiler-Version 18.5 Copyright (c) 1983,2007 CodeGear tmsd2007.dpk(575) Warnung: W1033 Die Unit 'AdvDBDateTimePicker' wurde implizit in Package 'TMSD2007' importiert tmswizd2007.dpk(35) Schwerwiegend: F2039 Ausgabedatei '......\rad studio\5.0\bpl\tmsd2007.bpl' kann nicht erstellt werden D:\Borland\RAD5\bin\dcc32.exe "D:\Borland\Components\TMS\tmsxlsd2007.dpk" CodeGear Delphi fr Win32 Compiler-Version 18.5 Copyright (c) 1983,2007 CodeGear tmsd2007.dpk(575) Warnung: W1033 Die Unit 'AdvDBDateTimePicker' wurde implizit in Package 'tmsd2007' importiert tmsxlsd2007.dpk(32) Schwerwiegend: F2039 Ausgabedatei '......\rad studio\5.0\bpl\tmsd2007.bpl' kann nicht erstellt werden * Completed

==> translation to english: "critical: F2039 can not create output file '......\rad studio\5.0\bpl\tmsd2007.bpl'"

2nd: When displaying all found packages it would be nice to have a "Check/UnCheck all" button.

I am using DelphiPI 0.22; RAD Studio2007 on WinXP

regards, Tobi

Comment #1

Posted on May 14, 2008 by Grumpy Dog

Sorry, I forgot to set the priority to low and i guess it is not a default but more a kind of request. As I am using this "Google Code" the first time I don't really know how to change it. regards, Tobi

Comment #2

Posted on May 14, 2008 by Swift Dog

Hi Tobi,

1st: I will be investigating this issue. 2nd: You are right. User interface needs some polishing. It is in my list.


Comment #3

Posted on May 23, 2008 by Swift Dog

Hi Tobi, I have installed TMS component pack without having any problems. DCP and BPL output paths are read from Rad Studio's options. (i.e. Environment Options > Delphi Options

Library - Win32 > Package Output Directory) You can check those paths to be certain about your settings.

I can test again if you can provide me a sample package that reproduces the problem.


Comment #4

Posted on Oct 20, 2008 by Swift Dog

user can set output folders check/uncheck functionality is provided

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-Low