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cuda-convnet - issue #9

a small bug in NVMatrix::rightMult()

Posted on Jul 12, 2013 by Swift Monkey

The result would be incorrect if the target is same as the first operand. The target==this version would require this to be of column major. I modified it so that this requirement is no longer needed:

void NVMatrix::rightMult(const NVMatrix &b, float scaleAB, NVMatrix &target) const { assert(isContiguous() && b.isContiguous() && target.isContiguous()); // assert(&target != &b); assert(_numCols == b.getNumRows()); if(&target != this) { target.resize(_numRows, b.getNumCols()); //target.setTrans(true); // default column major } assert(target.getNumRows() == _numRows); assert(target.getNumCols() == b.getNumCols()); if(_numRows % 64 != 0 || _numCols % 64 != 0 || b.getNumCols() % 64 != 0) { WARN("Matrix dimensions not divisible by 64 -- cublasSgemm performance may suffer."); } cublasSgemm(getTransChar(), b.getTransChar(), _numRows, b.getNumCols(), _numCols, scaleAB, _devData, getLeadingDim(), b.getDevData(), b.getLeadingDim(), 0, target.getDevData(), getNumRows()); target.setTrans(true); // added isTrans specification checkCublasError("cublasSgemm failed"); // cudaThreadSynchronize(); }

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium