Installation - Screenshots - FAQ - About
Many front-end web developers use Firebug for pixelpushing and style tweaking since it has an excellent live view CSS editor. It allows the developer to concentrate on CSS styling without having to refresh the browser.
Unfortunately Firebug does not know about your source files. The changes made in the CSS editor are in-memory only. And when refreshing the page all changes are lost.
What if the web IDE - which knows about the source files - could record the changes made in Firebug and apply them on the source code? Well that is exactly the purpose of this IntelliJ IDE (and browser) plugin!
See it in action - watch this video (thanks to "goyocode").
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DpjzC_yvTJs' target='_blank'>http://img.youtube.com/vi/DpjzC_yvTJs/0.jpg' width='425' height=344 />
Grab the plugin with the plugin manager or from http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?idea&id=5348
Style with pleasure!
This plugin is no longer under development. A big thank you to all who have given feedback or made a donation!
Source code still available at https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire