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csharp-sqlite - issue #98

SQLiteParameter (caps-case) lacks the constructors of SqliteParameter (Pascal-case)

Posted on Mar 7, 2011 by Helpful Lion

In SqliteParamter.cs, SQLiteParameter currently has no constructor other than the default constructor. It needs equivalent constructors to SqliteParameter. Otherwise, the capitalization synonym isn't so useful.

The synonym seems to have been added to make it possible to reuse code targeted at System.Data.SQLite -- which consistently adopts the SQLite capitalization. If the goal is to be a drop-in replacement for System.Data.SQLite, then perhaps the SqliteClient should be revised to use that capitalization as well.

Comment #1

Posted on Mar 7, 2011 by Swift Dog

The Community.CsharpSqlite.SQLiteClient code was supplied as sample code for how to use C#SQLite

Volunteers to make it compatible as a drop in for the SQLite client as welcome to submit the needed changes

Status: NoAction

Type-Enhancement Priority-Low