cocos2d-android on googlecode goes on slow, so I have to create my own to speed it up. This project will port latest cocos2d-iphone code as we have a stable version.
The current follow-up cocos2d-iphone version is 0.99.4
The source code for this probject is on github:
The cocos2d tutorial (by Boogle) is available here: http://dan.clarke.name/2011/04/how-to-make-a-simple-android-game-with-cocos2d/
Events(No emails here to prevent spam):
2010-12-24 Florian(boombuler#googlemail.com) has donated a subdomain and forum for us, the address is http://cocos2d.boombuler.de/ So we can talk about the issues, features, tricks easily there. Thank Florian very much:-)
2010-12-15 Feng Huo fixs the bug for particle systems, originally several worked, and now most should work.
2010-12-07 multiple-line support for bitmap fonts merged into master(from Urs Christian Hanselmann)
2010-11-04 opengenius is working on gc-optimization branch.
2010-11-01 ZwoptexPlist support from inc Philip, and NGloom add support for old zwoptex plist format, AlexKarmazin adds Zwoptex 3 format and rotated textures.