ClipR is an typography bookmarklet that aims to improve the reading on Internet directly from the browser. It simply transforms your clipped area of the article into beautiful reading print ready zone.
Update (02/11/2011): Safari 5.1 bug fixed.
New Update (12/10/2010): Mainly jQuery speed optimizations. Special thanks to Paul Irish for the jQuery speed suggestions.
All about ClipR -> Read it here.
What is ClipR
- ClipR is a bookmarklet
- ClipR is lightweight(only 1kb)
- ClipR is using the golden proportion to solve some typographical issues.
- ClipR is build with jQuery
- ClipR is also Ad eliminator.
- ClipR uses small part of Hartija for printing
How to use ClipR
- Go to This Page and Drag the ClipR link to your browser bookmark toolbar
- Go to any web page and wait the page to load.
- Click on the bookmark ClipR
- Go on the web page with the mouse and the red rectangle will appear.
- Click on the red selection
- That is all
- If you want to come back to the original page Refresh(F5) the browser
Some Screenshots
Works in all latest browsers
Project Information
- License: MIT License
- 20 stars
- svn-based source control