What It Does
The code accepts incoming commands via telnet or voice recognition, then it sends the commands out to a robot device. It is essentially an API for using a cellphone to control a robot.
Highlighted functionality includes: * Voice recognition to speak to your robot * Text-to-speech so your robot can speak back * Compass orientation to point North, East, South, West, or any degree in between * Remote control commands for forward, back, left, right, and stop * Audio recoding to use the phone's mic to record sounds * GPS to acquire the phone's location and speak the city and state * XMPP Chat to send chat commands to the robot
Why use cellphones for robots?
By using cheap electronic components such as Arduino boards, you can pair them with your $400 phone to make an awesome robot. It would cost hundreds of dollars to add GPS, LCD's, motion sensors, wi-fi, cellular connections, speakers, and more to a hobby bot, but your phone already has these!
See Robots In Action
See our YouTube channel for videos of the robots in action. Be sure to also check out the photo gallery here, and visit our Cellbots.com blog site for more info.