Instead of querying a downstream unordered_map< std::type_index, cplus::config_base * >, the system should build a tuple ahead of time given the upstream elements.
The tuple should be managed by an automatically generated stage, not a manually-specified instance of cplus::config_manager.
This can also allow adjustment of the configuration structure type.
Where chains are linked by reference, each chain gets its own configuration before data goes through the reference. Configuration requests won't go through references? Or allow a reference to configuration structure as a chain initialization argument? Or should there be a template specifying to pass-through certain configuration?
Comment #1
Posted on May 26, 2013 by Swift HippoThe downstream query now works with static configuration as well as the config_manager. So the user need only provide each configuration object to the downstream-most stage using it.
The only improvement left on the table is to provide a builtin static container for the configurations. But if the user is using static configuration, it's probably better to let them declare the objects in the outer scope, where they can be managed.
Due to the high cost and questionable remaining benefit, calling this fixed by the compile-time algorithm, sans a compile-time structure.
Status: Fixed