What steps will reproduce the problem? cmd = """# some python""" cmd = byteplay.Code.from_code( compile( cmd, '<string>', 'exec' ) )
serlized = base64.b64encode( pickle.dumps( cmd.code, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL ) )
in another process
code = byteplay.Code( pickle.loads( base64.b64decode( serlized ) ), (), (), False, False, False, '<module>', '<string>', 1, '' )
when code.to_code() is called, I get the error message:
The opcode SetLineNo isn't recognized or has a special flow control
If I replace obj is not SetLineno with not isinstance(obj, SetLinenoType) in isopcode
and op is SetLineno with isinstance( op, SetLinenoType )
It seems to work as expected
Status: New