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build-pipeline-plugin - issue #92

Link to console output

Posted on May 8, 2012 by Happy Wombat


It would be really useful if the plugin were to provide a link to the console view so we can watch the progress of each task.

This could be configurable to be displayed or not.

Comment #1

Posted on May 16, 2012 by Massive Rhino

You mean something like ? If so, it's there in the latest code. Guess it's time to come out of the lull and release a new version with the recent fixes.


Comment #2

Posted on May 16, 2012 by Happy Wombat

Yes, that's kind of like it. If the ">" icon links to the console output, then yes. As for the popup in the same pipeline view, not fussed. I had envisaged going to the standard job console output window.

Comment #3

Posted on May 29, 2012 by Swift Camel

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Comment #4

Posted on May 29, 2012 by Happy Wombat

I'll try to check it out soon! Thanks! -Chris

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.3