
ID Status Summary
26 WontFix SplFileInfo getRealPath
25 Fixed Implement locking meachanism for files
24 Fixed PHP Warning with include_path() and stream_resolve_include_path()
23 Duplicate mount/symlink within vfs
22 Fixed Add support for streamWrapper::stream_cast($cast_as) Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium OpSys-All Package-vfs Usability
21 Verified Investigate glob() with vfsStream urls. Type-Other Priority-Medium OpSys-All Package-vfs Usability
20 Fixed Underscore _ accepted as directory separator Type-Defect Priority-Medium Package-vfs Usability
19 Fixed Need the support of .. in the url Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium OpSys-All Package-vfs
18 Fixed getChild returns NULL when child's name contains parent name Type-Defect Priority-High OpSys-All Package-vfs Usability
17 WontFix Directory creation does not respect group/owner of parent container Package-vfs Type-Defect Priority-Medium Usability
16 Duplicate is_executable returns false for a directory with 777 permissions Type-Defect OpSys-All Package-vfs Priority-Medium Usability
15 Fixed mkdir creates a subfolder in a folder without permissions Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Package-vfs Usability
14 Fixed Wrong svn address under source tab Type-Docs Priority-Medium OpSys-All Package-vfs Usability
13 Fixed can't overwrite file in VFS Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Package-vfs Usability
12 Invalid php dies when trying to include file from VFS
11 WontFix ZipArchive::open not working with sfsStream url Type-Defect Priority-Medium Package-vfs Usability
10 Fixed Rename implementation Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium OpSys-All Package-vfs
9 WontFix touch() not working with vfsStream Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium OpSys-All Package-vfs
8 Fixed is_executable doesn't work properly Type-Defect OpSys-All Package-vfs Usability Priority-Medium
7 Fixed Consider $mode when new file stream is opened Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Package-vfs
6 Fixed Use vfsStream::umask() to influence initial file mode for files and directories Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Package-vfs Usability
5 Fixed vfsStreamDirectory::addChild() does not replace child with same name Type-Defect Priority-High Package-vfs Usability OpSys-All
4 Fixed vfsstream can only be read once Type-Defect
2 Fixed rewind() call needed in implementation of 'vfsStreamWrapper::dir_readdir()' Type-Defect Priority-Medium Package-vfs
1 Fixed Support for filemodes Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Package-vfs