To reproduce the problem, use exactly the following code on Ubuntu Linux 9.10 while having at least one bluetooth device paired with the system the code is running on:
public class Test { public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException { RemoteDevices[] devices = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice().getDiscoveryAgent().retrieveDevices( DiscoveryAgent.PREKNOWN ); System.our.println( devices ); } }
The expected output will be a list that contains your paired devices. But what I get is always 'null', no metter whether the paired devices are running (have bluetooth turned on) or not.
I'm using the latest BlueCove release, namely version 2.1.0, including the bluecove-gpl module. I don't know where to look up the build number this tool is requesting me for. I'm not sure but I think it's all 32 bit here.
Thanks in advance
Comment #1
Posted on Jan 2, 2010 by Quick HorseComment deleted
Comment #2
Posted on Jan 2, 2010 by Happy BirdHow is this supposed to help me? I think you did not understand what my problem is. I don't want to perform an inquiry for new devices, I just want to get a list of all the devices that are already paired with my system. Or do you want to say that I must perform an inquiry first anyway?
Comment #3
Posted on Mar 31, 2010 by Massive Horsebluecove-gpl can't read from BlueZ already discovered devices. Use bluecove-bluez it should support retrieval of this information over D-Bus.
Status: WontFix