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bluecove - issue #94

retrieveDevices of DiscovereyAgent always returns null

Posted on Jan 2, 2010 by Happy Bird

To reproduce the problem, use exactly the following code on Ubuntu Linux 9.10 while having at least one bluetooth device paired with the system the code is running on:

public class Test { public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException { RemoteDevices[] devices = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice().getDiscoveryAgent().retrieveDevices( DiscoveryAgent.PREKNOWN ); System.our.println( devices ); } }

The expected output will be a list that contains your paired devices. But what I get is always 'null', no metter whether the paired devices are running (have bluetooth turned on) or not.

I'm using the latest BlueCove release, namely version 2.1.0, including the bluecove-gpl module. I don't know where to look up the build number this tool is requesting me for. I'm not sure but I think it's all 32 bit here.

Thanks in advance

Comment #1

Posted on Jan 2, 2010 by Quick Horse

Comment deleted

Comment #2

Posted on Jan 2, 2010 by Happy Bird

How is this supposed to help me? I think you did not understand what my problem is. I don't want to perform an inquiry for new devices, I just want to get a list of all the devices that are already paired with my system. Or do you want to say that I must perform an inquiry first anyway?

Comment #3

Posted on Mar 31, 2010 by Massive Horse

bluecove-gpl can't read from BlueZ already discovered devices. Use bluecove-bluez it should support retrieval of this information over D-Bus.

Status: WontFix