See also Issue 34 (Jun 2012).
I've tried running blockly on a Windows Server 2012 R2 computer in Internet Explorer 11 (11.0.9600.17031), but it didn't work.
Debugging showed that the
var audioTest = new window['Audio']();
line in core/workspace_svg.js (in Blockly.WorkspaceSvg.prototype.loadAudio_) raised a short "Not implemented" exception.
The answer in says: "sound support has been disabled (the default in windows server)" and apparently the
if (!window['Audio']...
test is not enough in this case: window['Audio'] is a function, but window'Audio' raises exception.
Unfortunately this exception aborts proper initialization of blockly.
Please try-catch the body of Blockly.WorkspaceSvg.prototype.loadAudio_ or something inside.
Comment #1
Posted on Aug 20, 2015 by Happy KangarooThanks!
Status: Fixed