What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Go into the turtle game (https://blockly-games.appspot.com/turtle) 2. Hit okay for the popup 3. Try to click on the drop-down menu for the blocks (any of them)
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? The drop down should appear, but instead nothing happens. Also, blockly games is also not always loading on the main page.
What browser are you using? Chrome 40.0.2214.111 m
Please provide any additional information below.
Comment #1
Posted on Mar 4, 2015 by Happy KangarooI cannot reproduce this error. Can you check your JavaScript console and see if there are any errors listed? Thanks.
Comment #2
Posted on Mar 5, 2015 by Grumpy ElephantAfter some more investigation on it, it looks like it was just a freeze up or the entire page not working, because it worked on other pages. This happened specifically on the turtle page 2, and when I tried it on a different computer I couldn't reproduce it either. I'll check the original computer's console once I have access to it again tomorrow.
Thanks for looking into it.
Comment #3
Posted on Mar 5, 2015 by Grumpy ElephantCan't get it to reproduce anymore on the original computer either. Guess it was something on my end that a reboot fixed.
Comment #4
Posted on Mar 9, 2015 by Happy Kangaroo(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: Invalid