
ID Status Summary
58 New Setting fonts in SwingTerminal.initialize etc. doesn't work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
57 New Actual Windows window doesn't match terminal screen size with SwingTerminal Type-Defect Priority-Medium
56 Accepted Trying to set a font via CursesLikeAPI.setFont() throws a StackOverflowError. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
55 New In the javadoc description under /core/src/main/java/com/googlecode/blacken/terminal/TerminalView,java the an in the first line should be a. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
54 Fixed Procedural color textures should repeat the same regardless of the size of the view Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-AbstractUI Milestone-Release1.2
53 Fixed Fully transparent background colors should all be black Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.2 OpSys-All Component-OtherUI
52 Accepted Fix Terminal grid size vs Window size discrepancies Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-AwtUI
51 Accepted Get packaged in Debian and/or other Linux distributions Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-Linux Milestone-Release2.0 Module-Core Usability
50 Verified Screen flickers with content for a moment then goes totally grey in OSX. Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.2
49 Fixed Add fbmNoise support Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release1.2 OpSys-All Component-Logic
48 Accepted Dialog support Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release2.1
47 Accepted Shaped TerminalViews and UnboundTerminals Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release1.2
46 Accepted Add "shadowed" text support Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release2.1
45 Accepted Basic wordwrap functionality Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release2.1
44 Accepted better procedural texture support Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release2.1
43 Accepted Create a class diagram Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.2
42 Fixed Mouse support is basically broken Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All Component-AbstractUI
41 Accepted Windows 7 Vertical Maximize is Broken Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-AwtUI OpSys-Windows
40 Fixed Support standard palette formats -- like the GIMP's palette files. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.1
39 Fixed We need a reusable pager to display help and license texts Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical OpSys-All Component-AbstractUI Milestone-Release1.1
38 Fixed support the Curses "halfdelay" feature Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release1.1
37 Accepted demonstrate splash screen: JNLP custom and standard Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release1.2
36 Fixed Applications do not react to input if the window is generated while out of focus. Type-Defect Priority-High Component-AwtUI Usability Milestone-Release1.1
35 Accepted Boarder demo should use the mouse to change the keyboard layout Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release2.0
34 Fixed Blacken must be robust against permission issues Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All
33 Verified Ability to use a large initial window size Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All
32 Accepted Logical key commands and standardized alternate keyboard mappings Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release2.0 OpSys-All Component-AbstractUI
31 Fixed getString function that still allows application to catch and modify events Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release1.1 Component-AbstractUI
30 Accepted Functional styled composite font like feature Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-All Milestone-Release2.1
29 Fixed By default, line-drawing characters are unusable Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.1 Component-AwtUI
28 Duplicate Box-drawing characters are rendered incorrectly Type-Defect Priority-High Component-AwtUI Milestone-Release1.1
27 Verified Simple method to transform an entire palette (or a range of a palette) Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.1
26 Started Simple single-type dungeon cells are great for digging dungeons, but bad for play Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.2 Usability
25 Verified Good example of how to use the BSP tree code Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.1
24 Verified BSP tree code for better dungeon generation (like libTCOD has) Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release1.1
23 Verified Ability to specify fonts by name and change fonts while running Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.1
22 Verified Split cell copier logic out of Grid Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release1.1
21 Accepted onEntry / onExit room/region triggers Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-All Milestone-Release2.0 Component-Logic
20 Accepted A number of font attributes no longer work Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Milestone-Release2.0 Component-AwtUI
19 Accepted AwtTerminalInterface is unusably broken Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release2.0 OpSys-All Component-AwtUI Usability
18 Started Serialization that works without the harsh limitations of the default implementation Type-Enhancement Priority-High OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.2 Component-Persistence
17 Verified Blacken need not tie itself to Curses behavior Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All Usability
16 Fixed "dungeon" example doesn't create doors properly Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.1 Usability
15 Verified Blacken 1.0 is horribly slow to update Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.1 Component-AwtUI Performance OpSys-All
14 Fixed Add Blacken to a public Maven repository Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All Usability
13 Accepted SVG support through Apache Batik Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-All Milestone-Release2.1 Component-AwtUI
12 Accepted Vector tile support through the "STYLE_REPLACEMENT" attribute Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release2.0 Component-AwtUI OpSys-All
11 Fixed libTCOD color names Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.1 Component-AbstractUI
10 WontFix Configuration file support Type-Enhancement Priority-High OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.1
9 Accepted Add an AWT update queue Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium OpSys-All Milestone-Release2.0 Component-AbstractUI Component-AwtUI Maintainability
8 Accepted Add "glass pane" support Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-All Milestone-Release2.0 Component-AwtUI
7 Accepted Support enhanced cursor framework Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-Release2.0 Component-AbstractUI Component-AwtUI
6 WontFix Investigate performance of JComponents per AwtCells Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release2.1 Component-AwtUI
5 Fixed Weird German characters don't work Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release1.1 Component-AwtUI OpSys-All Usability
4 Verified Postage stamp sized window Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.1 Component-AwtUI
3 Verified Add fullscreen functionality Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.1 Usability OpSys-All
2 Accepted Combining character sequences that do not have a precomposed character don't render correctly Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Component-AwtUI
1 Fixed Add support for webstart Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release1.1 OpSys-All Usability