A Java interface to the bit.ly and j.mp APIs.
Bitlyj 2.0: A DSL for Bitly-powered Url Shortening Services
This is probably all most will be interested in:
``` import com.rosaloves.bitlyj.Url; import static com.rosaloves.bitlyj.Bitly.*;
Url url = as("bitlyapidemo", "R_0da49e0a9118ff35f52f629d2d71bf07").call(shorten("http://rosaloves.com/stories/view/13"));
// url.getShortUrl() -> http://bit.ly/fB05 ```
There's more, of course :-). Check out QuickStart to see more usage, and Bitlyj2AndTheScalaREPL for even more in an interactive Scala session.
2.0 Noteworthies
- Concise DSL syntax with obvious semantics == bitly interaction with no boilerplate.
- Natural error handling with no checked exceptions. If you want to deal with exceptions, catch BitlyException and access the delivered message (yields bitly's status text).
- J.mp support baked in, with the same DSL sugar.
- Runs on Android.
- Zero dependencies.
- Flexible API. Bitly methods are no longer hard-wired to an interface, so evolution is possible without API breakage.
- Extensible API. Implementing your own methods is simple: implement the functionality in an implementation of BitlyMethod. You get core error handling for free, and you can even implement specialized methods not supported by bitly.
- Access to other bitly-powered services is simple: implement Provider (two methods).
The stable 2.0 artifacts are available in maven central.
I care about your input, so please join the group to share it or file issues/feature requests as you find them.
Maven Artifacts Now Available on Maven Central
Many thanks to Sonatype for providing free artifact hosting service (via Nexus) for open source projects. For your mavenized open source project, I recommend it.