What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Use the shorten REST API 2. Shorten an Url 3. Go to Url History on your account
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? The Url appering in History
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Its used by our Twitter/Dynamics CRM integration. The bit.ly API wrapper is a .NET 3.5 component written in C# (using XML as the REST format)
Please provide any additional information below. You can contact me on mra@applications.dk for further information (Code, etc)
Comment #1
Posted on Jun 3, 2009 by Massive BearI Should have mentioned, that the shortened Url exist (somewhere), and we have no problems retrieving stats from the short url, also using the REST API
Comment #2
Posted on Jun 12, 2009 by Happy GiraffeI JUST experienced this. I created a shorturl via the bit.ly website at http://bit.ly/ I used the website to make a custom short url:
Custom shortURL: http://bit.ly/xR00M4
I didn't check at the time if it was in my timeline.
With the custom URL created, I went to twitterfeed and unpaused the google calender feed I had set up over there. I have my API key already set up with twitterfeed. The idea was for twitterfeed to request a shortURL from bit.ly and for bit.ly to reply with the shortURL I created only moments ago.
That didn't happen.
Instead bit.ly generated a NEW shortURL and that's the one that went live on my twitter stream:
Twitterfeed posted the tweet almost immediately. I say that to exemplify how quickly a link shows up on the timeline. sure enough when I checked the new link was there but the one I'd generated was nowhere to be seen. I paged through my history and it wasn't there either. The custom link works but it's NOT in my timeline. And here it is, by the way:
I also checked the import page but there was nothing waiting for me there.
I also checked if the shortURLs were generated from the same long URL. Indeed, the shortURLs both point to the same identical place.
The last place I looked for the custom URL was on the info page for the twitterfeed-generated one. It wasn't there. I was at the very least expecting to see it there since you guys make a big deal about tracking different shortURLs generated from the same long URL but it wasn't there either! BUT, they DO share the SAME aggregate shortURL:
So, I don't really know what to make of all this. I'm not complaining, per se, I'm just trying to give an as detailed an helpful account of what happened as possible. Sorry if I was a bit wordy.
Thank you!
Comment #3
Posted on Jun 12, 2009 by Happy GiraffeWow, I'm an idiot. I just deleted the tweet that I linked to. Right after I deleted it I realized my mistake. Talk about short term memory loss... Sorry.
Comment #4
Posted on Aug 24, 2009 by Grumpy WombatI have been using the API recently and noticed the same problem. It'd be great if this was acknowledged!
Comment #5
Posted on Dec 1, 2009 by Happy Horseif shortening < 100 items a day add &history=1 to shorten calls to add them to your history. If shortening more than 100 per day contact support at bit dot ly
this will be resolved in a future api revision
Status: Done