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Welcome to BigBlueButton Google Code


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June 12, 2009

To make it easy to develop and run BigBlueButton, we completed the packaging of all the open source components of BigBlueButton into a single virtual machine (VM). This VM also has a full BigBlueButton development environment, making it easy for you to modify and extend BigBlueButton to develop your own collaborative applications. For more information see How to Setup your own BigBlueButton VM.

To help new developers understand the architecture of BigBlueButton, we've added a video overview that walks through the architecture for the server, client, and web components.

Check it out at http://bigbluebutton.org/content/videos

We now have a Continuous Integration Server running to build the main components of BigBlueButton.

Check it out at http://bigbluebutton.org/hudson

Project Goals

BigBlueButton is a clean implementation of web conferencing that focuses on offering a simple user interface and an extensible platform for distance education.

For extensibility, we used the PureMVC library to organize the client code. It's possible to add/remove modules at runtime in the client, making it much easier for other developers to add their own client modules to BigBlueButton.

Site Contents

  • HowToInstallBigBlueButton - Step-by-step instructions
  • Related Projects

    There are other Google Code projects that are working on parts of BigBlueButton.

  • http://code.google.com/p/sipstream/'>Sip Stream is a Flash-based SIP phone
  • http://code.google.com/p/wiizap/'>WiiZap is project to control parts of BigBlueButton using a wireless Wii controler.
  • http://code.google.com/p/ossched/'>OsSched is a project to integrate BigBlueButton with other calendars and scheduling software.
  • http://readytopresent.wordpress.com/'>ReadyToPresent is an project to simplify the capture and presentation of a lecture.
  • Features


    | voice conferencing | video conferencing | group chat | |:-------------------|:--------------------|:-----------| | manage participants | slide presentation |


    application/desktop sharing scheduling whiteboard recording and archiving

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