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ID Status Summary
251 New Syncless - nooption to run at startup Type-Defect Priority-Medium
250 New Cannot tag folder from mapped network drive Type-Defect Priority-Medium
249 New UI Not Fully Displayed Type-Defect Priority-Medium
248 New Error in "application options" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
247 New syncless cannot tag folder on NAS Type-Defect Priority-Medium
246 New Enhancement request from user Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
245 New Exception when tagging mapped drive oder VPN Type-Defect Priority-Medium
244 New Seamless does not work with NAS drive Type-Defect Priority-Medium
243 New Losing sync folders Type-Defect Priority-Medium
242 New Filter for folders Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
241 New encryption would be nice Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
240 New Thumbs.db will hang Syncless 2.1 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
239 New Unable to sync to Pogoplug drives Type-Defect Priority-Medium
238 New Memory Usage too high during sync of a large folder such as steam. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
237 New Syncless appears to hang on certain files Type-Defect Priority-Medium
236 New Network drives still don't work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
235 New Problem renders syncing failure Type-Defect Priority-Medium
234 New Problem renders syncing failure Type-Defect Priority-Medium
233 New Seamless does not work from second level folder on network storage Type-Defect Priority-Medium
232 New Archiving settings not saved after exit from Syncless Type-Defect Priority-Medium
231 New Error when target drive is full while synchronizing. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
230 New Unable to open Type-Defect Priority-Medium
229 New path to Long error in log
228 New Not persistent enough during errors Type-Defect Priority-Medium
227 New Does not appear to work (at least not with big folders containing sub-folders) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
226 New Does not appear to work (at least not with big folders containing sub-folders) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
225 Done "Syncless" produces file version of "SynclessUI.exe" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
224 Accepted archive settings not saved at restart Type-Defect Priority-Medium
223 New Not relevant notification on folder tagging failure Type-Defect Priority-Medium
222 New Paths disappear from tags when a drive is not available Type-Defect Priority-Medium
221 New cannot handle read only files Type-Defect Priority-Medium
220 Fixed Unable to uninstall Type-Defect Priority-Medium
219 Fixed the big Download button in the home page is linked to the previous version V2.0, not the latest V2.1 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
218 Accepted Multiple Computers Syncing to same drive Type-Defect Priority-Medium
217 Accepted In log window: Unexpected error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
216 Accepted file size 0 for rename operation Type-Defect Priority-Medium
215 Accepted duplicate filters Type-Defect Priority-Low
214 New long pathnames Type-Defect Priority-Medium
213 New Recover gracefully if user doesn't have permission to write to C drive Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
212 Need-More-Info Syncless doesn't work. Syncless Window and whole monitor is flashing. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
211 Accepted Syncless crashes when tagging folders on network drive Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
210 Started Syncless "forgets" tagged folders Type-Defect Priority-Medium
209 Duplicate Mapped (FTP) Network Drive Type-Defect Priority-Medium
208 Accepted Feature request: Volume shadow copy support (sync files that are in use) Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
207 Duplicate Allow UNC Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
206 Fixed Refuses to load - Syncless has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
205 New Syncless cannot handle syncing at root of a drive Type-Defect Priority-Medium
204 Accepted Plugging out thumb drive while synchronzing Type-Defect Priority-Low
203 Accepted No Notification When Cancelling/Switching To Seamless Mode Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
202 Duplicate Cannot capture event when path too long Type-Defect Priority-Low
201 Accepted [UI] Progress Bar Remains on Screen after Tags are Removed Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
200 Fixed Path too long problem Type-Defect Priority-Low
199 Accepted [Feature Request] Less Files In Package Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
198 Fixed Null values for hash and 0 for last modified time Type-Defect Priority-Medium
197 WontFix No Change on seamless Type-Defect Priority-Medium
196 Fixed Check logic for file rename Type-Other Priority-Low
195 Fixed Seamless mode button sometime stuck at switching Type-Defect Priority-Medium
194 Fixed Tagging/Untagging from Shell while Synchronizing Type-Defect Priority-Medium
193 Fixed UnauthorizedAccessException using Manual Sync/Compare Type-Defect Priority-Critical
192 Need-More-Info Some time drive may not be detected. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
191 Fixed [Syncless UI] Duplicate Filters Type-Defect Priority-Medium
190 Fixed [SynclessUI] Progress bar color randomly might not be updated due to loss asynchronous call Type-Defect Priority-Medium
189 Fixed Progress might stuck at finalizing even though sync complete Type-Defect Priority-Medium
188 Fixed Progress bar suddenly appear on other tags Type-Defect Priority-Medium
187 Fixed Tag Window Ok Button Disabled Type-Defect Priority-Medium
186 Fixed Remove add back got progress bar - fixed Type-Defect Priority-Medium
185 Need-More-Info Syncless may crash randomly Type-Defect Priority-Medium
184 Fixed Remove all synchronization progress after untagging Type-Defect Priority-Medium
183 Done Tag Filtering doesn't apply after refreshing tag list Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release2.0
182 Fixed [Unknown] Delete tagged folder in seamless mode Type-Defect Priority-Critical
181 WontFix Rendering problem in XP Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0
180 Fixed [SynclessUI] Remove preview button during synchronization and finalizing Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
179 Accepted Seamless Limitation Type-Defect Priority-Low
178 Accepted Finalizing can be optimized Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
177 Fixed SynclessUI hangs on tagging a cd-rom / dvd-rom drive Type-Defect Priority-Medium
176 Verified [SynclessUI] progress bar shown at program startup when there is no tag Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0
175 Fixed Syncless Progress bar showing 100% when there are no tags Type-Defect Priority-Medium
174 Fixed [SynclessUI] 'Manual' button changed to 'Switching' button when analyzing folders Type-Defect Priority-Medium
173 Fixed [Unknown] Cannot sync due to tag is still being synchronized Type-Defect Priority-High
172 Fixed [SynclessUI] Need notification when untagging Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
171 Verified Syncless hangs on Preview Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release1.0
170 Verified Deletion/Renaming of folders before syncing Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0
169 Verified Tagging a folder inside winrar / recycle bin Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0
168 Done Progress bar at 0% Type-Defect Priority-Medium
167 Verified Syncless UI Hang after switching modes Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release1.0
166 Fixed Cleaning up tags feedback not intuitive Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
165 Invalid [Monitor] Seamless does not work for everyone [line 66] Type-Defect Priority-Medium
164 Verified [SynclessUI] Dragging of shortcut to a folder does not work [line 65] Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0
163 Verified [SynclessUI] Allow edits other than from header [line 67] Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0
162 Done [Unknown] Add a backup feature [line 68] Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
161 Done [Unknown] Big archive size [line 69] Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
160 Done [CompareAndSync] Inability to sync a folder with their archive name [line 63] Type-Defect Priority-Medium
159 Invalid [CompareAndSync] Image file conflict problem [line 72] Type-Defect Priority-Medium
158 Verified [CompareAndSync] Wrong result when file is editted during a copy between two ends [line 62] Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0
157 Fixed [Monitor] Hanging upon deletion of a tagged folder under seamless mode [line 61] Type-Defect Priority-Medium
156 Done [CompareAndSync] seamless creates dummy file [line 73] Type-Defect Priority-Medium
155 Verified [Core] Untagged folders do not have their admin files removed [line 60] Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0
154 Verified [Core] When tag folder is deleted, remove tagged folder path from the ui [line 58] Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0
153 Verified [CompareAndSync] Cannot detect deleted files of folders [line 76] Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0
152 WontFix [SynclessUI] Disable tag/untag in folder context menu [56,57] Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium