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beast-mcmc - issue #755

BEAST disappears without error message on running xml BEAUti script

Posted on Dec 23, 2014 by Swift Cat

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Opening BEAST 2. Importing xml file generated through BEAUti 3. Pressing Run

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Expect to see a progress window of the run and a generation of the files as per instructions in the xml file

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Mac OS X v. 10.9.4, BEAST v 2.1.3, Java v8 up25

Please provide any additional information below. Not been able to run BEAST on my new laptop yet, due to this issue. Re-downloaded it, then it started giving an error message on starting a run that sent me to this thread: http://markmail.org/message/bllvwkwpy7ro33uz#query:+page:1+mid:zbmieu7j7hvbsnup+state:results Though there were some differences, my error message had a similar start and mentioned the jtikz.jar in the message itself. Removed the BEASTShell directory as suggested, now back to shut-down without an error message. My colleague ran one of my scripts (that refused to run on my computer) on hers, with BEAST (1), on another Mac operating system and it worked fine.

Comment #1

Posted on Dec 23, 2014 by Quick Horse

This is a bug report about BEAST 2. This site is for BEAST v1.x code.

Comment #2

Posted on Dec 23, 2014 by Swift Cat

Ah, sorry! Thanks.

Status: Invalid

Type-Defect Priority-Medium