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awesome-password-generator - Changes.wiki

Changes (what's new)

06/14/2013 Version 1.4.0

  • Password strength meter now has a tooltip with combinations number, password length in bits and maximum crack time for the currently selected password options;


  • Borders of password strength "classes" are changed (see Password strength section);
  • Bug fixed: Password strength meter now shows a correct reduced strength when Exclude confused characters or Easy-to-type passwords options are selected. Strength is also reduces while generating common (not an easy-to-type) passwords because of excluding weak passwords (which doesn't include all selected charsets). (See Password strength and Options sections);
  • Bug fixed: Bias problem in common passwords (some passwords were generated more often then others);
  • Bug fixed: Bias problem in easy-to-type passwords (some passwords were generated more often then others);
  • Minor changes. Sincere gratitude to Michael Samuel, who found those bugs and helped me fix them!

08/22/2012 Version 1.3.2

  • Bugs fixed;
  • Minor changes.

07/01/2012 Version 1.3.1

  • Bugs fixed.

02/19/2012 Version 1.3.0

  • Hotkeys: now you can re-generate password by pressing F5 or Ctrl+R, copy it to clipboard on Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Ins, and close window on Esc;
  • From now on you can't run multiple app instances simultaneously;
  • "Can't save configuration!" error message is now suppressed in the portable mode;
  • Minor changes.

01/20/2012 Version 1.2.0

  • QuickGen feature: Now you can generate passwords via taskbar button's menu on Windows 7/8!


  • Minor changes.

12/16/2011 Version 1.1.0

  • New feature: Now application is available in two versions: Windows Installer and Portable. You can use Portable version without administrative rights;
  • New feature: Windows taskbar progress indicator (in the bulk generation mode);


  • Bug fixed: User without administrative rights can't save passwords in the default "c:\passwords.txt" file. Now default locations of this file has changed;
  • Bug fixed: App crash on exit if user don't have administrator rights;
  • Minor changes.

12/04/2011 Version 1.0.0

  • First release.