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aspnetserve - GettingStarted.wiki

Using aspNETserve

aspNETserve is a web server designed for the hosting of ASP.NET applications. It can be ran as a standalone application or embedded into your own applications.

Running As a Stand Alone Web Server
  • Download and install the latest binary version of aspNETserve.
  • After install use either the "Host In aspNETserve" context menu or launch the UI from the Start Menu.
  • Alternatively you can use the aspNETserve.Ice windows service to host web applications in the background.
Embedding aspNETserve

For information about embedding aspNETserve see our ApiReferenceGuide.


Should you encounter any problems with aspNETserve please stop by the discussion group. Any issues that you encounter that you feel are bugs should also be submitted to our issues list