asmack - issue #82
MultiUserChat.addInvitationListener(conn, "") throws nullpointerexception when reconnecting
Hi, I got a NullPointerException on MultiUserChat.addInvitationListener when connecting at 2nd ,I think InvitationsMonitor.getInvitationsMonitor(conn) in MultiUserChat.java return null
public static InvitationsMonitor getInvitationsMonitor(Connection conn) { synchronized (monitors) { if (!monitors.containsKey(conn)) { // We need to use a WeakReference because the monitor references the // connection and this could prevent the GC from collecting the monitor // when no other object references the monitor monitors.put(conn, new WeakReference<InvitationsMonitor>(new InvitationsMonitor(conn))); } // Return the InvitationsMonitor that monitors the connection return monitors.get(conn).get(); }
It may be fixed by change "if (!monitors.containsKey(conn))" to "if (!monitors.containsKey(conn) || monitors.get(conn).get() == null)"
can you give me some direction about it? Thanks
Comment #1
Posted on May 12, 2013 by Swift RabbitFilled as upstream bug [SMACK-438|http://issues.igniterealtime.org/browse/SMACK-438]
Comment #2
Posted on May 21, 2013 by Helpful GiraffeThank you very much! Concurrent WeakHashMap is a good idea,very enlightening.I'll wait fixed version of aSmack. Thanks!
Comment #3
Posted on May 21, 2013 by Helpful GiraffeComment deleted
Status: Done